Cory With Finrot

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
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I am asking this for a friend so sorry if I can't answer some questions.

She has an albino cory which has lost most of his tail, only a little stump is left. It has been like this for 2 or 3 weeks and hasn't got any worse but hasn't got any better either.

He can still swim as he shoots to the top for air and moves out of the way if another cory swims into him but doesn't come out when they are fed, he must be eating though as he doesn't look skinny.

I have some maracyn and maracyn 2 which I got sent over from america when I had sick fish so we thought we would use that as we have been told it is very good.

Should she remove the cory from the main tank and treat seperatly?
And which maracyn should she use?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi Dani :)

It's good of you to be concerned about your friend's cory, but let me point out that her other fish could be on the verge of having problems too.

Finrot is a bacterial infection that only happens when a fish has a lowered immune system due to stress factors in a tank. This could be caused by temperature fluctuations, (especially rapid warm ups) aggressive tank mates, high nitrates, nitrites or ammonia levels, overcrowding, insufficient or infrequent water changes, uneaten food in the tank, etc. Please be sure that she is taking care of her tank properly, as well as treating the cory. Perhaps you could test her water if she doesn't have kits herself.

That cory sounds a little far gone, but the fact that it is still alive after all this time is in its favor. Maracin and Maracin 2, used at the same time, is a recommended treatment to deal with a variety of bacterial infections. It would probably be best to isolate it for the treatment, if none of the other fish are sick. With corys, this is always a risk because the do not do well alone, but it's not good to subject the other fish to the medication if they don't need it.

As with any bacterial infection, be sure to use the suggested amount of medication and do not stop before the entire course has been completed. Continue the treatment longer if necessary, but do not stop early, no matter how good the fish seems to be doing.

Good luck!
Thanks for your reply,

She has been keeping fish a couple of years and we checked the water which was fine, nothing has been bullying the fish and she does a water change every week.

If as you say the temperature rising can cause this it could be that as last month was really hot and both of our tanks got to 28-29 when they are normally 24-25.

I think the temperature killed one of my peppered corys aswell.

We will start the treatment tonight and hope he gets better, I will also tell her to keep an eye on her other fish.

Thanks again. :D
Hi Dani :)

Yes, summertime can be really hard on corys. Last year this forum was full of threads written by people who had sick and dying corys for just this reason.

I hope the little guy pulls through!
I will let you know how it goes.

My friend has used the meds for 2 courses and the cory looks much better and is swimming and eating.

His tail hasn't grown back at all but we were guessing it would take some time, she is thinking of putting him back in the main tank tomorrow as he is starting to look sad and she thinks he is getting lonely.

Does anyone know how long it should take before his tail starts to grow back?
Hi Dani :)

I'm so glad to hear the little cory is recovering and is well enough to return to his companions. :D

As to his tail regrowing, it will probably depend on his overall health and stamina, and the amount that was lost. Just be sure that his water is clean and that he is well fed, and wait to see what happens. He's been through a lot and it might take a while, even under the best of circumstances.

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