Cory Types


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2005
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Im thinking about getting some more Corys for my tank, but im not sure which type to get. :S

I already have Peppered, and I like the look of Panda :drool:
Can anybody suggest any that you like and/or keep :thumbs:
What size tank are the going in? Depending on the size of the tank, I always reccomend the Bronze and Albino C. Aeneus. They are a hardy and very playful species of cory. I also like the C. Trilineatus. It really depends on how big the tank is and what the tank mates are.
The Tank size and Tank mates are on my profile and sig (Main Tank). :good:
The tank is mostly S. American (im planning on having a fully S. American Tank, plus harlequins :D )
I have bronze, albino, peppered...erm...trilineatus and metaes.

I like all of them, each has their own personality, but looks wise the metaes win ;)

I also want concolors, and arcuatus in the future, beautiful beautiful fishies.

Pandas, I'll avoid from now on. We were sold a group by our LFS, they were tiny, we were told pandas were a dwarf variety - at the time we didn't know better, and they all died within the first few days of being here. Apparently, pandas are one of the trickier types to keep. Considering all my other cories are fat, healthy and active, I'd have to agree *lol*

And then I want rabauti, adolfoi (unlikely at their price though!), and loads of others I cant remember.

If you want a piccie fix, try this site:
Ive kept Corydoras paleatus (Peppered), Corydoras arcuatus (Skunk), Corydoras trilineatus, Corydoras aeneus (Albino and Bronze), Corydoras leucomelas, Corydoras melini and Corydoras melanistius.

I would have to say my favorite was probably the skunk cories. They are a bit more sensitive then some cories, but they are great. I traded them a while back and still regret it to this day.

I have my eyes set on a 55 gallon full of cories like I had before I traded all of them in.
ive only ever kept bronze and peppered

peppered seem more playful

bronze seem more hungry always looking for food
I have kept the bronze and albino C. Aenues and now have Sterbai and Panda. They have all been great to keep and watch. The pandas are smaller than the sterbai and C. aenues, but all seem very playful and friendly. :wub: Good luck with your decision. :good:

I've only just started keeping cory's and they are lovely little fishies!

In my 105 gal I have 6 Cory Trilineatus and in my 29 gal I have 7 Cory Panda's. The Cory Trili I found don't shoal together at all unless it's feeding time. They are so cute though, always busy picking up food from the gravel, they are constantly on the go.

The Panda Cory's are totally different. They all hang out together and even sometime sleep in a little pile on top of each other!

But, IME none of my fish do what they are supposed to, they are all different (my harlequins don't shoal either? Weird!)

I'm sure you'll love any of these little cuties, whatever you decide to go for!
Mine actually school together quite often, but they do split up a lot too. My Harlequins are always in a school.

My Harlequins almost never shoal! I've got fish that are supposd to be shy that are always out and about, fish that are supposed to be active but I never see them, shoaling fish that don't shoal and random fish that shoal together.

Somehow I think i managed to get all the weird fish! LOL
my corys stay together at night, also my female cherry barb likes to shoal with the harlequins! she is never interested in the male though!
gotta love the peppered cory cats! they are the most adorable little buggers ever. the pandas are quite cute, too, though difficult to keep.

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