Cory Troubles

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
A world of my own
You are now reading a post written by the biggest moron to have ever taken to fishkeeping. I just bought 5 corydoras aeneus. I floated the bag for a while, then i put them in.

But i never noticed, not in the shop, until now, THAT THEY DONT HAVE EYES!!! They only have sockets. What am i supposed to do? Have i bought fish doomed to die? One of them has one eye, maybe that one will survive. BUT THE OTHERS DONT HAVE EYES!!!

What do i do? Will they eat? Or rather CAN they eat? What do i do? I am so panicky, just looking at them. I feel... guilty...
If the store has a return policy then take tham back.Even if it doesn't,take your complaint to the manager.You should not have been sold fish that are not in good health or that are deformed.And don't kick yourself so hard.These things happen.

Are they active?

Cories tend to have rather weak eyesight and they find food using their barbels so it''s likely that they could find food. I dunno what other effects loss of eys could have though. :unsure: good luck.
Is this a natural eyes missing or a something picked their eyes out missing case? Either way, as clutterydrawer said, they rely more on their barabels to find food so they might be fine, unless their missing eyes are due to being mistreated.

Please please take those fish back to your LFS. In the meanwhile I believe your fish will find food by whiskers / smell. I try to feed my pleco in the dark, but my cories still manage to find the pleco's food in the pitch dark.

I'd complain to the manager, but if you find that they are perfectly healthy and you don't mind the empty sockets looking at you then I see no reason you should have to send them back. Don't feel bad about it though, we've all probably ended up with some screwed up fish at one time or another.
Hi P.T. :)

How are your new corys doing now? Have they eaten ok? :unsure:

Since corys depend on their barbels to find their food, and are nocturnal anyway, you may find that they do fine without their eyes and that they become your "special pets." :wub:

I hope so. :nod:

Please let me know how they are coming along in your tank. :D :wub:
Ah well, the creepy factor seems to have passed. It was real creepy looking at the sockets. The shop doesnt take fish back, and from what i've seen of the manager, he's a guy i'd rather avoid. The corys are real ative swimming all over the place. I havent got a clue how they lost their eyes, but there's no blood, or wounds or anything like that. I've also decided to feed them when its pitch black so that my other fishes dont eat up the food before the corys eat it.

I hope they'll do ok. Thanks a lot guys.

Koda said:
Ummmm....because no one should have to pay good money for deformed or maimed fish :no:

I guess, I was just thinking if they were injured they could do without the extra stressing of being lugged about in a plastic bag.
Hi clutterydrawer :)

I can see that you are a kindhearted person who is just thinking of the fish. :thumbs: I'm like that too, and have a number of fish in my tanks who are there for no other reason than because no one else would want them. :nod:

While some of my odd fish are corys that were the last one left in the tank at the lfs, and I worried that they might spend their lives as corys with out a school, if someone just bought that one, several others are actually deformed. The last one I bought was the only cory in a cichlid tank. He has only one eye left and his fins were chewed up, but he has healed and is living happily now, among my other corys. He would have been dead long ago had I not bought him.

Another fish, perhaps my favorite of all, is "crooked loach," who is a weather loach with more curves in its spine than a hairpin! :eek: While he has matured at about half the size of his normal companion, he lives happily and I doubt that he, or any of the other fish care that he is not as attractive as he might be. :)

Even though a fish is less than perfect when purchased they will still make fine pets. IMHO, a fish with a story is that much more interesting than one who is just another of many ordinary fish. :thumbs:
clutterydrawer said:
Koda said:
Ummmm....because no one should have to pay good money for deformed or maimed fish :no:

I guess, I was just thinking if they were injured they could do without the extra stressing of being lugged about in a plastic bag.
Good point :)

And it does sound like it's all working out ok.I'm a softie in that sense myself.A couple of years ago I bought mated pair of African Grey parrots.The female turned out to be a chronic feather plucker and has a deformed wing as well.She's quite a sight with her poor bare chest and a wing that is all out of kilter.She turned out to be infertile and it's probably for the best.But though she will never win a beauty contest or raise any babies,I would not part with her.And her personality more than makes up for her bedraggled appearance :wub: :wub:

Yes, beware the person that has to have perfect pets of any kind, just imagine how they are with people.....

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