Cory Tank Mates


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2007
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What would be some good tank mates for Corys in a 29 gallon tank? Would Bolivian Rams be ok? or would they be too agressive towards the Cories?
i dont know about the rams
but i keep my corys with a dwarf gourami and a coolie loach and clown loaches no problems so far and there really good tank mates
What would be some good tank mates for Corys in a 29 gallon tank? Would Bolivian Rams be ok? or would they be too agressive towards the Cories?

I know this is not what your looking for, but I think good tank mates for corys are more cories (they are great, I have like 60 cories at the moment, although the sterbais are working hard to increase that number by 5-10 cories every day... hehe).
A good tank mate for a cory is any smallish fish that is not too agressive and not territorial. Cories have no concept of territory so they take a severe beating from territorial fish. They just never seem to learn that certain places in the tank are off limits to them.

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