Cory Species Tank

Um others maybe brilliant on the math but I'm not. Can you say how many gallons or litres that is? The same old rule of thumb usually applies, as in 1 inch of mature fish per gallon. You can stock more than that once you know what you're doing but it's going to mean using more filters up, more tank cleaning, higher aeration etc to keep them happy and healthy. Just by hand measurements that sounds like around 10 gallons. Yes? In that case, if you're buying say pepper corydoras and they grow as big as mine, some of which are over 4 inches that doesn't leave room for many fish. :/ Hopefully others will have more concrete suggestions for you. :nod:
73L Tank So most like functioning as a 70 or so Litre Tank. This Gives an Availability of around 57.6 Fish Centimetres for your tank. Now depending on the corydoras size of the different types you want and you can calculate the number of fish. So around no more than 11 5cm fish, also stick to getting groups of species, loners unless recommended dont do too well. This would be maximum stocking for a minimal filtered tank: improve your filtration and you could keep more, but the system would be less stable.

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