Cory Species Tank- 10G


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
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I'm currently fishless cycling my tank, a 10 gallon with black sand. I'd appreciate your thoughts on cory stocking options for my tank, I'd like to keep it to one species. I'd like opinions on whether it would be possible to keep a small group of bronze or panda corys or whether I should stick to dwarf species? I don't intend to add any dither fish, I think corys have a lot of personality by themselves.

Also any recommendations on food would be appreciated.
Is it a long tank or tall?

10g is quite small to put a group of bronze cories in as they can grow quite large.pandas are one of the smaller cories,but they do enjoy space,mine are super active :lol:

Your best bet would be to set up a dwarf cory tank,i have 16(5 being juvi offspring) pygmy cories & 2 habrosus,in a 10g well planted tank,large filter,the pygmys do tend to hide away,whereas the habrosus are more adventurous and they come to the front of the tank.

Food wise,any cory pellets,i use tetraprima granules and mini granules,flakes,bbs,bloodworm,mini sinking wafers to name a few...
Hi idbarnett :)

A ten gallon tank is a fairly common size for a single species cory tank. I have several going right now.

1. 8 C. panda
2. 9 C. weitzmani
3. 11 C. brevirostris
4. 2 C. reynoldsi & 5 C. rabauti
5. 5 C. schultzi (black)
6. 9 C. zygatus
7. 5 unidentified

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