Cory Shoaling

the guy who i got them off gave me some fry food and he showed me how he used to raise them with a container in side the main tank with there own airline he also said u can use a stanley blade to move them
and there 18 months old
Hi beechey :)

You have a great advantage with proven breeders. I feed mine extra portions of live blackworms, but frozen bloodworms work to condition them for spawning too. I also give them Hikari bottom feeder wafers and a good quality flake food to keep up their general health.

You can indeed hatch the eggs in a container, but they will quickly outgrow that. If you plan ahead and set up a larger tank for them to grow out, you could move your adults there to spawn and afterward move them back to the main tank. The advantage of doing it this way is that you avoid the risk of having the eggs eaten before you can remove them or damaging them during the transfer.
I feed mine on hikari as well, a mixture of the wafers and pleco tablets work well they go crazy for it. I feed them bloodworm artemia, daphnia and they even like some spinach with the pleco's well. Don't rush them It took me just over 9 months to get them to a good siz and spawn them, patience is the key.

Make sure the eggs have a good flow of water over them and add a touch of treatment to prevent the fungus on the eggs, regular water changes too if they are going too be in small container, eggs take 4-7 days to hatch, depends on the temperature.
i have not been feeding them anything special just my discus food but they have been eating the beef heart
Couple of bad pics of my cories shoaling and feeding on bloodworm


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they look tiny im gonna buy some blood worm today but i bet the discus will eat it all before it reaches the bottom as i have a deep tank
Hi beechey :)

If your discus eat the bloodworms before it reaches the corys, you might have to increase the size of the feeding to accommodate them all. Or, take the bloodworm in your hand and reach deep into the tank before releasing it. If you flick it downward, it will more quickly reach the bottom. At the same time try distracting the discus by putting in some kind of floating food that they like.


Hi bingy_bong :)

That's a nice big school of healthy looking corys! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. :D
i've been trying to sex my bronze corys after reading through these posts about breeding corys! It would seem my 4 bronze are all female..? is this likely? are female more popular than male in lfs's or should it be 50/50? they all have rounded, fanned ventral fins.
Hi mbsqw1d :)

If you went to the lfs and bought the four biggest corys in the tank, it's quite possible you got all females. It's an easy mistake to make. Unless you want to try to spawn them, it won't matter at all.

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