"cory Quest 2005" - Success At Last!

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Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona U.S.A.
I have been searching for going on a year now for some friends for one of my lone corys. (Lesson learned - never buy just one cory of a species, you never know how long it will take to find them again!). Today, I drove 20+ miles to the biggest fish store in Phoenix and finally found one of the species of Corys I've been searching for. I was going to get 4 of them but since they only had 5 left, I decided to take all 5 of them rather than leave the one by itself. I'm so happy! Now, only 2 more species to find...

Here's the new gang getting acclimated - (well 4 of them, #5 is a little camera shy).

wow they look really neet! what kinda are they. im going to pick up some albinos tonight or tomarrow for my bettas 10gal (thats right i spoil the hell out of my betta!)
According to the LFS they are Corydoras Punctatus. However, knowing my LFS, I'm not going to swear to it. They had some of the beautiful green lazer stripe corys as well. I would have loved to get some of them but at $21.99 a piece, I just couldn't do it.
yikes! i saw a puffer fish for sell at my lps for like 5$. thought about getting it but not really enough room. an not sure they can go into a 10gal comforably.
This group came from Ocean Floor in Phoenix. It's a 40+ mile drive round trip for me so I don't go there very often. Usually I go to PetsInc in Tempe.
Yeah i just went to PetsInc last week, they have nice fish. Also, i dont know if its closer but theres a place called Phoenix Tropical.

When I bought cories that are like yours they were also shown as punctatus. The first thing I did when I joined TFF was reaserch my cories. Inchworm sent me to planetcatfish or whatever. I also used Johnny Jensen's Photo Album. It was obvious that my cory was not a punctatus. These beauties are nothing like punctatus. I eventually found them, I think, by researching spotted cories.

These are common named False Spotted Cories and are corydorus leucomelas. At least that is the conclusion I came to.

My pepper/marbled cories were sold as spotted. :rofl:

I would love some more leucomelas if they came around. It's hard to order, too, if you can't be sure what will be sent by the name. :hyper:

Good job and congratulations on your success. :cool: :kana:
well the point is you found you lil buddy some friends. now he wont be so loanly :D props to you :cool:
Jollysue - I was pretty sure the ones I had were leucomelas as well, I'm still trying to figure out what my "Julli's" really are. :S I know what you mean about ordering them. You might as well just tell the LFS "surprise me".

illusion54 - I went to Phoenix Tropical once. Scary neighborhood.
:rofl: right on. Why don't you put a picture of the juliis up. Maybe someone will know this time.
when i got cories i got one of the most common type.albino.I got the last 5 in the whole shop too :p now i can always find them if i want more.Plus theyre about the only type of cories that i know how to tell.they all look so similar :*)
Polardbear said:
According to the LFS they are Corydoras Punctatus.  However, knowing my LFS, I'm not going to swear to it.  They had some of the beautiful green lazer stripe corys as well.  I would have loved to get some of them but at $21.99 a piece, I just couldn't do it.

$21.99 a piece?? These must be some super rare cories? I have never seen a cory that much. :dunno:

:kewlpics: They look good

EDIT: Oops I thought you meant the ones you bought were $21.99 :lol:

Ive never seen any Lazer Stripe Cories. Got any pics?
This probably do not do them justice, but it's an example.

I've seen some stunning pics of these cories, but can't find it right now.

Edit: this is probaby a better example of the green laser cory.

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