Cory problem.

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I have a very planted 16UK/19US gallon tank with the fish in my signature. I did have 2 julii corys but one died today and I have no idea why. I noticed the other day, when the 2 were together, that 1 of them was breathing rapidly and it's dorsal fin was not erect. However, I am not sure if it is the same one that died.

The corys colours looked pale down the side but other than that there were not visual signs of what was wrong. My other fish look ok, although I have noticed that my albino barb has been a bit quiet and mostly staying under the filter. I am just about to feed them, so I will check if he eats.

I did a water change yesterday of about 20% and I put a white spot treatment (Interpet anti white-spot plus) in on Sunday as I saw some itching and my biggest tank has minor case of it, I also raised the temp to 82C.

I did a water test yesterday, before the change and the readings were:

Ph: 7.5
Amonia: 0
NitrIte: 0
Oxygen: 10

I took these reading to be pretty good and so I am even more confused about the death of my cory. :sad: I don't have a nitrAte test but I plan on getting one soon, could that be the problem? I don't usually do oxygen test on my tanks but I did yesterday as I was worried about the Ick treatment and the raised tempature affecting the oxygen levels. But, 10 is good as the pack said 2 is essential but 5 is prefered.

I am going to feed the fish now, so I will post back if I notice any of them not eating etc.

Any ideas welcome. :-(

Just fed the fishes. The remaining Julii cory was out and about eating and looks fine. The albino barb I mentioned was also out and about and eating like a pig!

I am still confused :unsure:

What could be wrong? Could it be ick? Although I treated for it, there were no signs of it on the fish, all there seemed to be was a little scratching from the barbs.

Incidently, I don't think the cory could have been getting bullied by the barbs because the barbs don't seem bothered with them and the corys are usually chilling under a bit of mopani during the day.

cant remember who said it but arnt cories more subseptible to changes in the tank?

aparently if there is alot of waste in ur tank and ur nitrites/ammonia and nitrates are all out of whack it gets them first with them being at the bottom?

Ph: 7.5
Amonia: 0
NitrIte: 0
Oxygen: 10
but with readings like that i dunno... looks norm... :/

sorry to hear about the death :(
I am glad I am not the only one who is confused. My readings are always really good. I hate it when I can't pin-point a problem, I feel so helpless. :(

Corys are suseptable to problems with amonia and nitrIte with them being on the bottom. I cleaned the gravel recently, but I am not as willing to do it nw as I think I tend to go a bit OTT and I don't want to disturb my plants. In future I am just going to do the small open space at the front and under the wood the corys live under.

Any more help would be great people. :/
when i do a water change i do the full lot.... cleaning just the open spaces IMO could have the affect of not cleanin at all.... it depends on how much open space u have got and if u have alot of fish/live plants ect..

with me not havin extra lightin nor a co2 injector i find my plants do die off... so i give them a switch round every other tank clean... (some places in my tank have more light than others)

always remember this (i do) fish poop floats.. it isnt heavey so it will get dragged with the current... even if that is under plants or anythin else... it also breaks down so it might be under ur plants/orniments ect...

thats why i do a thouragh clean... iv even stopped diggin down realy deep into the gravel... i just skim over it once or twice... but on certain places i do have to clean heavey as it gets realy dirty (under my slate mountain and bogwood espesh)

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