Cory problem, is it fin rot?


New Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi gang
I have 4 Bronze Corys in my 22 (UK) Gallons at the moment. Plenty places to hide and they love the flake and tablet foods. All were healthy until this morning. When a tablet drops in, the 4 of them take it on. This morning, only 3 did. I eventually found the 4th cory. Its tail has almost disappeared and there is a white ring / growth around this left eye.

All other fish (inc the other 3 corys) are happy and healthy

Any ideas whats wrong with the one Cory and a possible solution?
The white ring around the eye is it fluffy looking or just a white patch, can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, and how many fish and which type.
part of its head now seems to be discoloured...looks like there is a crack in it. I dont there is, but it looks like it. I cant post my water stats as the LFS was closed when I got there for a kit. I ran out of test strips last change. Off the top of my head, I cant remember what they were but they had remained stable for the last 3 months. The only thing thats been going on in the tank was some half dosages of white spot treatment for my clown loach.

I got a better look at the Cory when I came home, and his tail is more or less gone now. Will it grow back even??

Other fish in the tank are Neons, Platys, A Sailfin Pleco, Clown Loach ,Zebra Danio. In my experience, none of these are nippers.

I have no secondary tank to put the cory in, and Im afraid he wont survive if hes treated, providing it is fin rot as hes still going to be in the main tank. One option i though of was getting one of the fry cages and putting him in that. Dont think it would suffice, but Im really out of options.

Ill try and get a photo later.

I just dont want to come down stairs and find the little guy dead.
I would treat the cory with a bacteria med, but if most of the tail as gone it's not sounding to good i'm afraid.
Just looking at him now, theres a hole in his head around his eye. Im really really sad at this and think Im left with only one option and thats to put him down.

Any ideas anyone, please
Hole in the head desease look like pin holes, can you describe the hole abit more, yes i agree the deseases are mounting up now, so the odds go down dramatically.
Its way bigger than a pin hole. Its like you can see into his head. I would reckon its half a cm in diameter and I think his eye is nearly gone
Sounds like a eating away desease, does it look like he flesh is being eaten away, not sounding good.
Yes, especially on the fins. But this thing in head looks like something scooped it out. The other cories are really healthy and have grown since I got them
Has the fish been flicking and rubbing on objects, scratching it self like something is irratating it.
Can you issolate the fish, does he look in pain or in discomfort.
I have no other tank and no where else to put him. Hes not swimming, but kinda propelling him self along sometimes. Only thing I can do is buy a fry cage and put him into that but he looks so battered.
It definately sounds like you have a very vicious bacterial infection going on. I would treat with antibiotics immediately.

As for seperating him, how about a 5 gal bucket? I've used those in emergencies, and they are also easily cleaned, plus cheap ;)

I have to agree with wilder, it really doesnt sound too good for this little guy :-( Sorry

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