Cory Panda Turning Darker

Colors depending on substrate is through : As you can see on my earlier pic the Aeneus seem to be grey, though normally the are brownish. 
My panda's are more pinkish due to the light sand and feeding I think.

But deepen or getting darker with age : Please explain the difference to me.
My Aeneus are getting darker (brownish instead of copper / green as juvenile)
Young female laying eggs


Female some time later
I don't have pictures of my corys when they were darker, you'll have to wait until I put them back in the darker substrate tank.
Its not a matter of minor shades that I am describing... it's a marked difference.
It's not that I don't believe you that colours change when on a different substrate : I know they are.
But I'm reacting at your post "on the contrary". Think we're possibly saying the same thing, though I believe lots of Corys get a darker color (deepened color as you call it) when getting older. By the way noticed also different colors by bred ones from the Tjech Republic being more grey than others.
Possible it's the strain they are coming from.
But hey I can possibly be wrong and imagine the differences. I am not going to fight about is and isn't really important to this thread I think.
no i live in south holland, 
okay well we will see, i am going to change the substrate anyway. i am just not sure or i should take.
Alot of people say that sand is diffucult to undertain and you have chance that gasses will arise 
at the other hand it does look good and everything needs to be maintained
what do you have there Double Dutch, doesnt look like gravel but colour seems to be like sand?
btw is it recommended to also have an nutrition substrate under your sand? i hear you also got some kind of balls wich give air in the ground maybe a possible solution for the gasses in the sand?
and is it possible to have 2 different kind of corries?> like have 3 pandas and 3 leopardus?
thanks for all advice guys! 
Oh btw i tried frozen bloodworms today, they dont seem to care anything about this stuff. just laying on the ground....
Well, there are many theories about "bad air pockets" in the sand.
I use playsand and have had no trouble. Just don't let organic material build up in the sand.
Plants with long roots, like Amazon swords help. Nerite snails are good about turning the sand as well. Or if worried, stir the sand with your fingers evry couple of weeks.

My tanks are low tech. Just sand substrate and dosing ferts. The plants grow fine, if not spectacular.

Have you tried shrimp pellets? Mine are like sharks in a feeding frenzy when they get those.
I am using Poolfiltersand from "Wildkamp" in my smaller tanks.. Cheap and really marvelous stuff. Hasd some medium, but now even fine is perfect. No gaspockets cause of the structure of the sand (had some normal sand that did have gaspockets / dark places), I don't use anu nutrition substrate (only the normal ferts). You can keep different Corys, but both a group 6+. They'll have different social behaviour and only will interact with there own species. They will swim together if too few of the same species, but that's different from real social interaction. Some very closely related ones will shoal, but these aren't. I'd keep it to one species and a nice shoal of that one!!! 
So indeed after changing the substrate to sand my corries got lighter colour again ,
All my fishes got lbrigther colours. Also the aquarium looks much more colourfull.
here by the pics.

Nice, well done. Teh Corys will love it. One other point : The Dwarf Gourami loves / needs some floating plants or leaves allong the surface.
Cheers Aad
Hi Aad.Thanks
I had an floating plant before. He made his nest in this with an female dwarf gourami.
But this plant grew so fast. I needed to cut it every 3 days because all other plants didnt get any light. So
I decided to use another plants. It will take some time but a plant with big leaves is also okay for him right?
He also chased the female gourami untill she died. I dont think i should take any gourami's for this tank.
Big leaves along the surface will do. To my believe it's one of the most beautifull fish there is and "destroyed" by overbreeding aso.
Often kept too warm, under wrong conditions and NOOOO fish for newbies, as they are often sold for by LFS's and "Intratuin" aso.
You are also keeping fish with different temp-needs : Cardinals / Sterbai at the high end (warm) and Panda's and Dwarf Gouramis at the low end (cool).
Be aware of that and try to stay "in the middle" !!!
What plant is in front of your filter ?
Cheers Aad

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