Cory Only(ish) Tank

Al Murray

New Member
Mar 22, 2006
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Reading, Berkshire, S/E UK
as u can see from my sig below, i have a new empty tank. I have been sifting through this forum for a couple of days and have fallen in love with corys. i also wanna put a betta in there, will these fish be alright together? i'm gonna use a large piece of bogwood as a 'cave' also i'm gonna be using sand as substrate.

what would u guys suggest as cory and betta friendly plants?

Your betta will love you with all that space, have you thought about adding more mopani/bog wood to the tank? you can attach plants such as anubis, java fern and java moss to the wood leaving more space at the bottom for the corys to root around in. Also how about adding 3 otocinclus as algae control, they will get along great with the corys and betta. I have a betta in a 2 foot tank with cherry chrimp and baby apple snails and he's loving it.

Emma :D
When I read your signature it says your using an undergravel filter, and you say your using sand? That won't work because the sand will just go through the undergravel filter unless it's a BIG grain. I'd recommend you not to get gravel because that would damage a corys barbles, but to get a new filter (if you have problems). If you don't have any problems then theres no point, but i'm just warning/tipping you.


Your betta will love you with all that space, have you thought about adding more mopani/bog wood to the tank? you can attach plants such as anubis, java fern and java moss to the wood leaving more space at the bottom for the corys to root around in. Also how about adding 3 otocinclus as algae control, they will get along great with the corys and betta. I have a betta in a 2 foot tank with cherry chrimp and baby apple snails and he's loving it.

Emma :D
Hi Emma, if I had lots of tall plants like amazon swords, java fern and wisteria in the tank and covered the gravel with java moss/riccia to create a carpet effect, will this upset the corys, since they wont have any more gravel to dig at anymore? I really wanted to put some carpet plants on the substrate, but after reading what you said, I might think twice as I plan to have a group of corys in both my tanks! :)
[/quote]Hi Emma, if I had lots of tall plants like amazon swords, java fern and wisteria in the tank and covered the gravel with java moss/riccia to create a carpet effect, will this upset the corys, since they wont have any more gravel to dig at anymore? I really wanted to put some carpet plants on the substrate, but after reading what you said, I might think twice as I plan to have a group of corys in both my tanks! :)


In my cory tank i have lots of plants on the ground but they are mainly at the back and sides, i've left a good 4-5 inches of bare sand at the front for them to root around in, it has a few big polished pebbles but the food falls on the areas with sand. I have a couple of the pebbles covered in java moss so they look like a bush and the shrimp like to stand on these to catch the food as it falls. So long as you leave a small area of gravel / sand they will be fine.


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