Cory Mouth Infection?

Fish are AWE

Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2011
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Today i looked at my cory catfish I saw a mouth infection or something, it looks really bad. He/She has a fungal kinda thing on top of his mouth. :-( Im really worried and idk what to do....
I have realised people ignoring this post and im kinda worried
Post in the correct forum and you will get a quicker response. You cant be that worried if its taken you 10+ days to come back here to seek a reply.
Post in the correct forum and you will get a quicker response. You cant be that worried if its taken you 10+ days to come back here to seek a reply.
Bit harsh ehh Tizer :unsure:

Fish are awe - Has your cory still got fungal type on its mouth?? Unless you treat it,it'll get worse until the cory dies...
If it is fungus,try separating it and treating it with an anti fungal treatment,interpet does one of these.

Do regular waterchanges to keep the water spot on will help the healing process,obviously depending how bad the infection is.

What are your readings for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate etc?
I used melafix but he has gotten worse. The kinda lost his barbels
Poor water quality will cause barbels & mouth infections and the substrate not be kept clean may cause the same...
The "mouth fungus" my trilineatus had was actually a bacterial infection. Out of 14 that had that infection, only 1 survived, and that's after treating them all with antibiotics. It needs to be addressed immediately.
I have gravel and i do weekly water changes. the ph is slight acidic so they like it.

I am using gravel and i do weekly water changes. I have the water slightly acidic for them.

I am using gravel and i do weekly water changes. I have the water slightly acidic for them.

Lol sorry for the reapeat

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