Cory Mix


Fish Addict
Feb 9, 2009
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Hi All,

Last week I got a group of sterbei for my tank.
I fancy a few other Cory's, but don't want to have a whole group of each kind.
Is it ok to have the odd individual of different species to make up a group? Or do you need to have groups of each species?

I would strongly recommend having at least 6 of each species.. maybe 5 of each if you have 15+ Corys.. but some people do keep mixed groups.
I was going to make a very similar post, but see this one, so I'm gonna hijack to prevent over-flooding the forum with similar questions :p

Will the different species of Cory actually school together, or simply co-exist? I was going to go observe at my LFS and see for myself, but they only keep one species per tank so I didn't have any sample base to work off of :p I wouldn't want to consider different species if they weren't likely to school together, and it has been a major curiosity to me.
I keep a mixed group of cory's. I have 9 in total.

And as suggested above, my mixed species don't school, not in the slightest. Quite dissapointing really.
I would strongly recommend having at least 6 of each species.. maybe 5 of each if you have 15+ Corys.. but some people do keep mixed groups.
+1 for that comment
When kept in large groups, Corys shoal much better and they are more 'out there' :hyper:
what actually constitutes schooling ? ive got 2 sterbai, 2 trilineatus and 2 schwartzi in my tank and they reguarly 'sit' together in my tank, though theres always 1 or 2 doing their own thing, they certainly dont seem to just co-exist and seem to seek out eachothers company. i maybe havnt got a large enough group to give a good answer on this question, but my collection certainly actively seek eachother out when resting. they dont swim together as much though.
what actually constitutes schooling ? ive got 2 sterbai, 2 trilineatus and 2 schwartzi in my tank and they reguarly 'sit' together in my tank, though theres always 1 or 2 doing their own thing, they certainly dont seem to just co-exist and seem to seek out eachothers company. i maybe havnt got a large enough group to give a good answer on this question, but my collection certainly actively seek eachother out when resting. they dont swim together as much though.

Thats basically what mine do. They eat together, they sleep together, the rest of the time they swim independantly.
I would describe Corys as "schooling" when they are interacting. Not schooling is when they only eat, sleep and sit together without paying much attention to each other.

I have a mix of bronze, panda and peppered cories and they all swim all over the tank together. The bronze are spawning recently and the panda's actually seem to clean the areas of the tank where the bronze lay their eggs!! I have a total of 16 cories and they seem to all be happy together :) soon to have lots more in that tank as I have lots of babies yay!!!

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