Fish Gatherer
My albino cory, One-eyed Jack (he/she only has one eye and I don't know if it is male or female I don't know how to tell) is rather plump in the stomach. He/she doesn't have pineconing scales and shows no other signs of disease or infection at all. My bronze/green cory (much bigger than the albino) follows the albino cory everywhere and I often find them in the T formation. They are the only cories in my tank because they were the only ones who survived from my little brother's 10 gallon when it suddenly started making all of the fish breathe rapidly. I guess it was the gravel I added from walmart.
But anyways what are the behaviors of mating cories and how can you tell if they are pregnant or even if they are male or female?
But anyways what are the behaviors of mating cories and how can you tell if they are pregnant or even if they are male or female?