Cory Fry . . Updated

Funny how they're both corys but lay & behave differently.
Mine laid batches of about 12/15 eggs every few days over about 10 days or so, & never touched them.
Maybe only having one eye helped (I rescued them from my Lfs after columbian tetras pecked their eyes)
Maybe only having one eye helped (I rescued them from my Lfs after columbian tetras pecked their eyes)

Aww poor baby :huh:

I love watching their eyes ... they look like they are winking :lol:
Oh my goodness, will they ever stop!
Came down this morning & found this

oh wow ... you lucky thing! :) I wish is all I can say :rolleyes:
Well I've lost half the day today watching the latest eggs hatch.
Saw the first one by accident while I was feeding this morning, so of course I had to sit & watch..
Wish I'd had my new glasses as I must've missed a lot, all I really saw was one minute the egg was attached to the filter, the next it went swimming away!
Still a few to go, then I can at last move the filter
They're going nuts again tonight, possibly as they had live bloodworms today.
They always get bloodworm on a Thurs as that's the day my Lfs gets fresh ones in.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's more eggs when I come down tomorrow.
Will they just keep spawning or is there a season when they spawn repeatedly then stop?
No more eggs thankfully, think I've got more than enough babies.
I moved a few into my Cpd tank, & they've settled in well.
Funnily enough I found some Cpd fry the other day & moved them into the cory tank & so far they're doing ok.
Quick vid of some of my oldest cory babies


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