Just a few pictures of my new bronze Cory fry tank. It's an aqua one 320, I've used a sand substrate so the UGF that was included is unsuitable, so I'm filtering with a Fluval 2+ filter turned down to it's lowest flow setting, mainly so I don't turn the tank into a whirlpool as all the fry in there are big enough not to be sucked in now.
Full tank shot
Full tank shot next to identical goldfish tank
close-ups of fry
When these guys have moved on, (watch out for a thread in buy sell swap in a month's or so's time if you're interested in the north east of England.) I'm looking at using the tank as either a planted nano, or add a few plants as cover for breeding other species, guppy's, endlers perhaps or are they too easy? I would like to have a proper go at apisto's if I can get a decent female as they're really great fish.
Full tank shot
Full tank shot next to identical goldfish tank
close-ups of fry
When these guys have moved on, (watch out for a thread in buy sell swap in a month's or so's time if you're interested in the north east of England.) I'm looking at using the tank as either a planted nano, or add a few plants as cover for breeding other species, guppy's, endlers perhaps or are they too easy? I would like to have a proper go at apisto's if I can get a decent female as they're really great fish.