Cory Fry New Tank


I think therefore I shouldn't
Jul 31, 2006
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Just a few pictures of my new bronze Cory fry tank. It's an aqua one 320, I've used a sand substrate so the UGF that was included is unsuitable, so I'm filtering with a Fluval 2+ filter turned down to it's lowest flow setting, mainly so I don't turn the tank into a whirlpool as all the fry in there are big enough not to be sucked in now.

Full tank shot


Full tank shot next to identical goldfish tank


close-ups of fry




When these guys have moved on, (watch out for a thread in buy sell swap in a month's or so's time if you're interested in the north east of England.) I'm looking at using the tank as either a planted nano, or add a few plants as cover for breeding other species, guppy's, endlers perhaps or are they too easy? I would like to have a proper go at apisto's if I can get a decent female as they're really great fish.
Looks really good dude!

might get some plant pots for my fry tank :)

i would change that fluval though for a sponge filter buddy if your planning on using it as a hatchery/rearing tank for more fry. they will get sucked in and perish :)
Such happy, healthy little creatures! They are great little posers.
There is the sponge off my sponge filter in the fluval 2 at the moment to carry over the good bacteria from the previous fry tank. I had a bit of a mini cycle, bit of nitrites etc, but did a water change and now it's all good. I can always put the air powered sponge filter back in commission if I think I'm going to have any more little critters, that said i could grow them out in a smaller tank with the sponge filter as i have done so far. But having the larger tank to move them into is a real benefit now.

Glad you like the plant pot idea Sp00ky, it's a nice cheap (well in my case absolutely free they came with the rest of the junk in my back garden) hiding place for them. You've probably seen me use them in my community tank too?

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