Cory Fry All Gone.....well Almost


Fish Addict
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sat in front of the tanks
Hi guys just got a question for people who have bred Corys in the past and i need a bit of help to where im going wrong :-(
I found my eggs...removed them into my net breeder about a month ago and there just dropping off 1 by 1.Every day i come home there are 2-3 dead! This has happened over a month,originally i had 60 eggs,50 or so hatched in my net breeder,then they just seem to have died! I have 3 left at the moment and 1 of them is tiny(the size of a newborn Livebearer fry),the others are approx 1/2" and there a little over a month old.There in a 15 gallon tank still in the breeder as there still very small and will be eaten straight away,i change 25% water every other day,NitrAte is 5 ppm,NitrIte is 0 ppm,P.H is 7,Temp is 25oC,Im feeding them Hikari First Bites and a little frozen blood worm twice a week
I cannot be a reliable source of advice, but from what I have read on the forums, raising corys in a breeder net is very difficult, and apparently there has only been one successful member on here who has done it before.

Keep up with the water changes, and make sure you remove all waste from the bottom of the net. Do they seem to have enough room? And also, are there any deaths in the main tank, which would point to an illness?
No deaths in the main tank i have 4 Rummy Noses in there so if any changes in NitrIte/NitrAte etc surely they would suffer too as i know there very fussy about changes in water conditions and illness. Yes they seem to have tons of room in the breeder as there is only 3 left and the breeder is fairly large
Its probably the fact they are in the breeder net thats killed them off. Inchworm might be able to offer more info, but she has only ever heard of 1 member on here succesfully rasing them in a breeding trap.

Personally, if your serious about breeding then get a dedicated tank to raise them in and trasnfer your eggs to that tank and watch them grow. Works a treat for me :)
Hi jonny-5 :)

I think you will have much better luck now that you are keeping the fry in a tank by themselves. They are delicate little things and if uneaten food remains in the net, harmful bacteria could grow on it. You will be much better able to control the conditions in a small tank.

Even if these remaining fry don't make it, please don't get discouraged. Move the next batch of eggs there and let the fry spend their early days in safety and comfort. They should do well. :D
I agree. The breeding net is a bad idea. I tried that a couple of weeks ago and it didnt go well at all.
well we live and learn i suppose,there in the T position most nites at the mo so im certain i will have more!
To top it all my guppys have dropped more fry too :) I found a load of eggs a little while ago.....i gathered the where snails eggs and discarded wrong was i...i didnt know what cory eggs looked like :angry:

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