Fish Addict
Hi guys just got a question for people who have bred Corys in the past and i need a bit of help to where im going wrong
I found my eggs...removed them into my net breeder about a month ago and there just dropping off 1 by 1.Every day i come home there are 2-3 dead! This has happened over a month,originally i had 60 eggs,50 or so hatched in my net breeder,then they just seem to have died! I have 3 left at the moment and 1 of them is tiny(the size of a newborn Livebearer fry),the others are approx 1/2" and there a little over a month old.There in a 15 gallon tank still in the breeder as there still very small and will be eaten straight away,i change 25% water every other day,NitrAte is 5 ppm,NitrIte is 0 ppm,P.H is 7,Temp is 25oC,Im feeding them Hikari First Bites and a little frozen blood worm twice a week

I found my eggs...removed them into my net breeder about a month ago and there just dropping off 1 by 1.Every day i come home there are 2-3 dead! This has happened over a month,originally i had 60 eggs,50 or so hatched in my net breeder,then they just seem to have died! I have 3 left at the moment and 1 of them is tiny(the size of a newborn Livebearer fry),the others are approx 1/2" and there a little over a month old.There in a 15 gallon tank still in the breeder as there still very small and will be eaten straight away,i change 25% water every other day,NitrAte is 5 ppm,NitrIte is 0 ppm,P.H is 7,Temp is 25oC,Im feeding them Hikari First Bites and a little frozen blood worm twice a week