Cory Eyes Darkened


Mostly New Member
May 14, 2014
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So I have 3 corys, and I only recently noticed that one my Cory's eyes are going really dark. I mean just the eye, it's almost as black as the pupil itself. The other two corys are the same as ever, a black pupil surrounded by a kind of yellow.

Should I be worried about my dark eyed Cory?
Maybe it is going blind.  I have never had cory fish so I am not entirely sure what could be up.  Does it act normal? What are you using for your substrate?
It is fine other than the eyes. Very active, and always looking for food. I use round gravel as my substrate.
I know they prefer sand because it can hurt their barbels. But maybe it scratched its eye or something.
It can be a sign of cancer but it's very rare.
Can you post a pic please?
Lol I can't find it anymore!
I guess it was a short term thing.

I'll definitely post back if I notice it again.
The gravel doesn't seem to bother them, actually. I've had them for quite a while, and they're fine.
Thats funny! Maybe it was just the lighting. I know I have seen my fish kind of get that too, but I go back a little while later and its gone. Maybe it was lighting. 

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