Cory Entertainment


New Member
Oct 9, 2006
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i put a 8" bubble wall in my 120l tank this morning and one of my albino corys has gone mental. he's spent almost all day swimming through it, against it, with it, its the most entertaining thing i've seen for ages. i'm sure he's smiling! maybe i should get out more.

pretty meaningless post, just thought i'd share. I'm still pretty new to fishkeeping and am constantly amazed at the different "personalities" exhibited by different fish nevermind the different species.
My cories are nutters too, especially at lights out!

All my fish have personalities, ok maybe apart from the neons. My Dwarf Gourami can be a bully sometimes, but is a woos really! My A caciatuoids takes no messing!

Have fun watching your fish, that's half the fun of fishkeeping! Enjoy :good:
Cories are loaded with personality. They're my favorite catfish. Maybe I'll put a bubble wand in my 10 gallon for my future cories. :D
One of my Peppered Corys always plays in our bubble curtain too.

Sometimes when it's not on he sits next to it looking miserable till we put it on.

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