cory eggs!


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I have found some white eggs attached to the glass.
The only fish in this tank are danio hikari, dwarf red
rasboras and 2 corys (1 pepper, 1 bronze).

Do corys attach eggs to the glass?
If they are cory eggs how long untill they hatch?

I am removing the other fish to another tank but should I leave the
corys in there?

Goes off to cath the fish :D
Why not jsut scrape the eggs of the glass and move them? That way the fish don't get stressed out.

Corydoras will clean their eggs and eat the infertile or fungal ones, I believe.
read closely's one peppered and one bronze, i dont think they breed...

it must be some other fish
Corys can interbreed, they just don't normally do it. With only one of each kind in the tank it is possible they did.
It is cory eggas. I have seen her (bronze) laying them :)

I have no idea what to do next, all other fish are now out of this tank and I have left the two corys in there as she is still laying.
I do believe that this belongs in the hybrids section my good friend.

Congrats on the eggs
kevin007 said:
Opcn said:
I do believe that this belongs in the hybrids section my good friend.

Congrats on the eggs
Yes indeed..which i don't like hybrid fish...Congrats..i guess
Did I say anywhere that I have purposly done this? huh? no!
It is something that has just happened!
These two fish are ones that came with my free tank, I would not have ever had them if they were not 1) given to me 2) been from the same tank and raised together!

Regardless, though. It's a question on corydoras, not necessarily about how to raise hybrids. IMO, Wolf was right in where he put his question.

Sorry you're not getting help Wolf, but I don't have any definitive answers. :/
Agreed, these fish shouldnt have bred anyways it is an anomaly that they did, Just like the anomolous hybridisations that occur in nature, As a general rule of thumb you can keep two kinds of cory together without fear of hybridisation.
They are close enough in species I really don't see a problem with a hybrid cory like this.

Actually it should have been put under catfish.... Hybrid or not they are both catfish and of the same species of catfish. :)
Wow, that's right. :p Unfortunately didn't see that since I use "My Assistant" to find new posts.

Inch is on, why not ask her?
Wow, everyone posted on here since I first saw Wolfie's question. :blink:

OK, one thing I want to ask him is, "The Female might have laid the eggs, but are you sure the peppered cory is a male, and did they do the T position?"

If not, there's the possibility that the eggs are not even fertile. -_-
Thanks Inchworm.
I have not seen them together (for any extended period of time)
they are however at this very moment resting nose to nose.
I have been out to Chalis' today and only noticed the eggs
when I came home.

So the main question I have is..... after she has finished laying
do I keep them with the eggs or move them to another tank.
After that I'll worry about wether they are fertile or not.
Hi The-Wolf :)

Why not move them all out and clean the tank? Take out everything, gravel included, and leave only an airstone to give good circulation. It will take 3 or 4 days for them to hatch.

Do you know if your other cory is a male? It seems like there is a lot of difference in size and width between the sexes. If your pepper is a male he will likely be much slimmer in proportion to the bronze female. If you can make an educated guess about the gender, it will help. :D If you click on the picture of the spawning pair, you can easily see the difference in their profiles.

That way, if you think you have both females, you will not have to worry about eggs that will not hatch anyway. :unsure:

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