Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
I have found some white eggs attached to the glass.
The only fish in this tank are danio hikari, dwarf red
rasboras and 2 corys (1 pepper, 1 bronze).
Do corys attach eggs to the glass?
If they are cory eggs how long untill they hatch?
I am removing the other fish to another tank but should I leave the
corys in there?
Goes off to cath the fish
The only fish in this tank are danio hikari, dwarf red
rasboras and 2 corys (1 pepper, 1 bronze).
Do corys attach eggs to the glass?
If they are cory eggs how long untill they hatch?
I am removing the other fish to another tank but should I leave the
corys in there?
Goes off to cath the fish