Cory Eggs


New Member
Dec 8, 2006
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Renfrewshire UK
After moving my peppered cory's into their new home,
[topic="226813"]My new Tank[/topic]
they have spawned twice. First time they spawned all the eggs were eaten before I noticed!! Second time I've managed to save a few and they are now in a breeding net in the main tank. A few eggs did get fungus and were removed but I've got about 6 remaining on day three


Hope they hatch soon

Hi calderfisher :)

Congratulations! I hope you continue to post about their progress. I would be surprised if you didn't see more eggs in the near future too. :D
Hi calderfisher :)

Congratulations! I hope you continue to post about their progress. I would be surprised if you didn't see more eggs in the near future too. :D

are those firtile?!

I had about 30 of them, but i thought they were infirtile so i fed them to my bbgs :(:( oops
Hi Esfa :)

I didn't know you had corys! Why don't you start a thread of your own and tell us about them?
Hi Esfa, about half the eggs didn't make it due to fungus so I don't know if they ones were OK or not!

The rest have started to hatch tonight though :D the're tiny!!!!!!!!!

Am I right in saying that I leave them for a day before starting on the liquifry??

Hi calderfisher :)

Yep! It will take them that long, maybe a bit longer, to absorb their yolk sacs. :D
Fry are almost a week old. I've set up a 2 gallon tank and moved them from the breeding net today.
Still got 7!! :D
Pictures aren't very good, need to practice....


The tank

I'm absolutely gutted...
Went to do a water change tonight and all the fry are dead :no:
Tested the water and all was fine 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and about 10 nitrate. It was the water out of the main tank they were in originally.
Temp was exactly the same as the main tank.
I was feeding liquifry no1 and a bit of liquifry No.3 powered flake.
Any ideas??

After a good clean I'll set the tank up again and this time put the eggs straight in.

Craig M

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