Cory Eggs?


Fish Crazy
Mar 8, 2006
Reaction score
scotland uk
i have a few sterbi cory in my tank and they were very active last night and in a clump of java moss i see tiny eggs i think.

had any 1 got pics of corys eggs so i can compair thanks ryan :good:
I haven't kept sterbi cory's before, but my bronze cory's tend to stick their eggs to flat surfaces such as large plant leaves, or the glass of the tank. What else have you got in your tank, any tetras, barbs?
Well barbs and tetras are scatterers (sp?) meaning that the eggs wouldn't all be in the same spot so it wouldn't be the barbs or tetras.
Also....civicr can you post some pics of your eggs and e can tell you what they are.
I have sterbas cories and they have laid eggs and they have just hatched in the last couple of days, the eggs are clear and adesive and usually attached to plant leaves and the glass in an area with a moderate flow of water, the eggs start clear and then delevop into a darker colour, ones that go pure white are fungussed and need to be removed. Hope this helped.
Well barbs and tetras are scatterers (sp?) meaning that the eggs wouldn't all be in the same spot so it wouldn't be the barbs or tetras.
Also....civicr can you post some pics of your eggs and e can tell you what they are.

But some still prefer to use a spawning site such as a clump of moss or dense plants.
the only other fish in the tank are zebra there is a good water flow rate in the tank also java fern all over the place i have noticed the same egg lookin balls on the java aswell. i cant get any pics up at the min.

hope some1 can post pics of there eggs
well ive just been looking into the tank and i noticed snails were moving in on them so i fished a few out and put them in a floating box above an air stone,there sticky right enough some of them are developing a white spot inside the eggand a few are a dull colour fingers crossed,how long till they hatch also i did notice more eggs over the other side of the tank
It's the dark eggs that are developing, the ones going white haven't been fertilised and will probably fungus, take them out if you can.
here is my albino cory eggs unfortunatly none of them hatched, maybe next time good luck with yours

I have pepper and sterbai in the same tank. Just recently sterbai have spawned. Ive noticed the pepper like placing the eggs on the glass but sterbai place the eggs on plants.
I know Coryologist has a really good picture of like 6 different types of Corydoras eggs. Maybe he will see this topic and post it.

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