Cory Eggs


Fish Addict
Dec 2, 2006
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Wingate Co Durham
woke up this morning turned on the light and had a good sight of the female laying the eggs on the glass there must me at least 150 in they look white but carnt be to sure to be honest trying to breed me bristlenoses and everything else is spawning any help would be appreciatedwould it be ok to put eggs in a few breeding traps and when they are born move them to me fry tank?

cheers dane
sounds about right for cory eggs. I keep mine in butter tubs til they are bigh enough to see, then put them in a small fry tank or bigger tub and keep upgrading in cheap plastic food tubs til there ready to go back in the tank :)
I like in tank breeders nets until they are ready for a grow out tank with a sponge filter or covered filter intake.
I've had no problems putting eggs in either breeding traps or nets. I just placed them near the outflow of my filter to get water circulation and moved them when they used up their egg sacs.

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