Cory Eggs


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
A couple days ago I posted a topic on cory eggs and fungus.
I have plenty of water flow and clean water yet my eggs have got fungus on them again.
Is there any chance they may still hatch?
In the past as soon as I seen fungus I would throw them out, but someone in my old thread said they used snails to clean the eggs of fungus and they hatched still.
I dunno.
Any info would be appriciated.
Hi superjalami30

If you do verything right, water flow and clean water, and still get fungus on the eggs. Do you using any aniti fungus in your water?

If you do all that and still have problem. It is could be the eggs infertile, and if it infertile no matter how much you treat your water egg will get fungus.

I have cory most everyday and what I do remove the eggs from parent tank and place on the breeding tank with running water [filter, or air stone], heat. I hardly[or none] using any anit fungus solution, 95% of the eggs didn't have fungus. The bottom line is if eggs didn't fertilize it will get fungus. If you treat your water, water flow and heat [thermo].

Hope you have better luck next time and don't give up. It is not hard to do than you may think.

:good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
Thanks PC1963.
I have had eggs hatch several times now, but it's been over a year since.

Here's the good news, it appears that some of the eggs I left in the tank (on the glass) have hatched.
The funny thing is they were in an area with very little water flow.
I dont use any fungus treatment either btw.
I'm pretty sure most if not all the eggs are fertile since they've turned yellow/beige in color.
I think nest time I will move the eggs to a 5 gallon tank to hatch.

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