Cory Eggs


Sep 19, 2005
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Hi all,

Just home tonight and my girlfriends just found about 8 eggs behind the filter and after some looking around we have found another 20~30 eggs scattered around in the vallis plants. I assume that they are cory eggs as it wont be the sissor tails cos they need dark substrate and the angles aint showing signs of breeding.

What should i do??

P.s i have 7 peppered corys

Hi all,

Just home tonight and my girlfriends just found about 8 eggs behind the filter and after some looking around we have found another 20~30 eggs scattered around in the vallis plants. I assume that they are cory eggs as it wont be the sissor tails cos they need dark substrate and the angles aint showing signs of breeding.

What should i do??

P.s i have 7 peppered corys


If they are peppered cory eggs and you want to try and raise them, then you need to get them out and into another tank as soon as possible. Peppered cories are known for eating eggs.
Hi CluelessScot :)

Did you rescue the eggs? :unsure:

Are these the corys you posted about that had red bellies in the shop that was being sold out? :unsure:
Hi CluelessScot :)

Did you rescue the eggs? :unsure:

Are these the corys you posted about that had red bellies in the shop that was being sold out? :unsure:

Ive not moved them yet. I dont really have anything set up for this :( What do i need? I have a small 5 gallon tank i got at christmas, but no heater or filter. Would the tank need cycled? one of my females belly is looking really big and round. do you think it was her eggs or do you think she is about to lay some of her own?

Its not those corys :( when i went back the corys were gone. All the neons were dead and still in the tank, bout 8 of them :/ sucks, now i need to travle to the city for fish supplies or wait till the weekend for the fish club to open...

One option would be to collect some and put them in a net and suspend it over they tank if you have no room.
Ok, done now. i got about 10~15 eggs. A neon ate a few :/

Some eggs are just clear and others have a white centre... does this mean some have corys and some dont?
Separate the white ones from the clear ones they could be fungused.
Hi all,

thanks for the help. The eggs are sittin in a net now. How long before something happens?

well my cory eggs have taken 3-4 days to hatch in the past.

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