Siamese Fighter05
Fish Herder
I was just about to do the weekly water change for the rekord 60 and noticed some eggs. I can only imagine them to be the bronze cories because my one julii (maybe trilli) looks to young. I deffo have a female in the bronze and two males, as i used the method of a fatter one in the LFS. There are about 30 eggs behind the filter and 20 on the opposite side. They are 2'' from the surface. I would like to give them a go rearing but i dont have anything avaible to do it with atm. I have a 2gal platic bowl
and the rekord 60 pump which i could face towards the eggs in the 2gal. No heater but my house is warm with the heating on all the time for cold winter. Can i remove them with a credit card into the 2gal. If so do i stick them onto the plastic or on the floor?
I will have no substrate and could do a 50% water change everyday? All the help i could get please inchworm and all you other cory lovers! They are a creamy clear colour if that makes sense, fungus or fertile? they both have water movement over them atm.
Thanks Dan

I will have no substrate and could do a 50% water change everyday? All the help i could get please inchworm and all you other cory lovers! They are a creamy clear colour if that makes sense, fungus or fertile? they both have water movement over them atm.
Thanks Dan