Cory EGGS now what?


Jun 14, 2003
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My corys have laid eggs and stuck them to the side of the glass in my tank. What do i do with them? If they hatch what do I feed them?
sandyd said:
My corys have laid eggs and stuck them to the side of the glass in my tank. What do i do with them? If they hatch what do I feed them?
Are the eggs in a community tank with other fish???
Also you would be best to tank the catfish out and the other fish which could eat them or you could remove the eggs but you will have to do this quick.
And lastley use some anti-fungus chemicals in the water to stop the eggs from growing a fungus and they could die or cause more problems
Hope i helped.
Congradulations, Sandyd! :D

The worst thing that can go wrong with the cory eggs (except being eaten) is that they develop a fungus. You can try putting chemicals in to prevent this, but very good water circulation will work too. Try to keep the water moving over the eggs at all times until they hatch.

Corys will tend the eggs and this helps also. They go up and down the eggs inspecting them and eating any that are not viable. This keeps the fungus from spreading if it should start. Most cory will not eat the eggs but if they do you will have no choice but to remove them.

Their first real food will be slime off the plants and glass and I have seen them eating the remnants of the eggs that were left after they hatched.

I will usually keep the corys in the tank, with filtration and an air stone, for about 3 days. Then I remove them and take the filter medium out of the filter but keep it running to help the water circulate. At this time I also give the gravel a good siphoning so it will be clean for the fry who will soon be living on it. As soon as I see any sign of hatching, I shut off the filter. Since the baby fry will be the only fish in the freshly cleaned tank, I do not really think they need filtration.

I have never removed the eggs (except once when they were attached to plants) but I have heard it can be done. Perhaps someone who has successfully moved them from glass will comment. :)
Thank you for the replys, I did have to remove them from the tank. The tiger barbs and skirt tetras that share that tank, were way to interested in them. I took them out by scraping them up with a fingernail very slowly so that I would not hurt any of them. I put a glass jar into the tank under water and put them in there until I was able to set them up with a hopefully good home. I then placed them in a 1 gallon conatiner with an air stone. Today is 2 days and there is no sign of them getting fungus so far. The water is moving pretty well, and so far so good. I also took a plant out of one of my many tanks, and put that in there to help with food. I went out and got some microworms, and daphnia that can be crushed up for frys and hopefully that will be good for them. I will let you know if anyone hatches, I am just thrilled that they even laid eggs, but would love to see the fry live too. I have 8 tanks now, and could add corys to all of them, so places for them should be easy to find. I will keep you posted, there are about 20 eggs, so hopefully a few will be healthy. Sandy
Sounds like you have a good plan, sandyd! :nod:

I'm especially interested in the microworms you bought. I have heard that they are an excellent food for fry. Will you be using live or do they come in another form?

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