Cory Eggs everywhere LOL


Jun 14, 2003
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Just wanted to let you all know that my cories spawned yesterday, and i now have adleast 80 eggs. I carefully removed them and put them in a breeder net in main tank for now. I wanted to leave them, but my tiger barbs were trying to eat them all. If all goes well, I should have babies on Monday.
Hi sandyd :)

I'm so glad to learn that your corys spawned! :D And it's good to see that you are posting again. I've missed reading them.

Be sure that you keep good water circulation around the eggs to avoid fungus growth. Perhaps if you put an airstone underthe net it would do the job.
Thanks, and glad to be back, with 3 boys and a girl and football season, life got a little nuts here. LOL Now the season is over, but soon starts baseball, so hopefully I wont get lost again. I put the net right next to the output of the filter, and have been checking to make sure there is enough movement in there. Today is day 3, but they were not laid until evening, so hopefully i will see some swimmers today. I really do not need any more fish, but there is always more room for corys, LOL. I have 9 tanks, and only 1 of them has cories in it, so lets of other places for them to live, if all goes well. Hopefully I will post again this evening, that they are here.
Are these bronze corys, Sandyd? :unsure: And how many are there?

If they are bronze you will be getting eggs often. I have 4 batches which are right now taking up 2 of my 8 tanks. They are so cool :wub:

Did you ever get microworms? I'd be interested in learning more about them, if you did.

Anyway, good luck with the eggs. I'll be looking for your post tonight. :D
Yes, they are bronze aeneus? cories. There are only 4 in the 55 gallon, but i got 7 of them, and lost the rest. They were all very small, and did not make it. I still have not located microworms, every place i call or go to asks me if i am nuts, there is no such thing. Guess it shows how much they know. LOL I have 2 girls, and 2 males, but only 1 of the girls has spawned since i got them, so the other one may just not be old enough yet or something. LOL I need to get more in there, because the boys gave her a really hard time while she was laying eggs. I just have not wanted to add anyone since the last few times, i ended up with trouble. That is why i am hopeing these guys make it, so i can stay away from the lfs. I checked the net again, and some of the eggs are still white, so may not be fertile, but i guess i will have to wait and see. I will post when i get more info.
Hi Sandyd :)

I've been offline for several days and now that I'm back I was hoping to learn you had a bunch of cory fry swimming around. What happened? Did they hatch? :unsure:
Sorry to take so long, but computer is all messed up. I did not get any babies. I looked in the next morning and eggs were missing, so either they hatched and got sucked out somehow, or someone else in the tank jumped in and had dinner. I am not sure how good tiger barbs are at jumping, or my plecos may have pulled them through the net, but again, i have no new cories. I will not try the net thing again with my tank guys. I guess we all have to live and learn. But still hopeing they will spawn again for me. I am setting up another 10 gallon, and after its cycled, i am going to add my cories to it and let them lay in there. I hope that may give me more luck.
Hi Sandyd :)

Awwwwww, how sad that you lost the cory eggs. :-(

But if the corys have spawned for you once, they will do it again. The only way I can keep my bronze corys from laying eggs is to keep them in a tank with a temperature of 80 degrees. Let it drop and they are at it again. :lol: :hyper: :wub:

It is a good idea to breed them in a separate tank. I do that with good results. Just condition the corys for a few days on bloodworms, then turn the heater off and let the temperature drop. They will breed within a few days. Then, right before the eggs hatch, you can move them back to their own tank and raise the fry right there. I think it's easier and safer to move the parents than the eggs or fry.

Did you check out the link for the microworms? Here's another that I just found that has different cultures:

Good luck with your next batch of fry!

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