Cory Eggs, Another Bunch

You could get some sturdy shelving and stack the tanks or do like me, put the tanks on any flat surface you can find. I have some on a computer desk and it's fun typing on the keyboard and at the same time watch your fish.

I just have to be careful with any water spillage water and electronics don't mix.
Not just running out of room lol, i have so many tanks now i am runnng out of electric sockets as well :lol:
Organizing extention cords is part of the hobby. I have 15 tanks with 16 heaters, 22 filters, multiple air pumps, 21 light cords all connected to 4 outlets in one room. :blush:

hehe don't tell

LPS/LFS will buy fish from breeders--usually for store credit at a % of what they will sell them for--and based on what they can sell in a brief time and the quality of the pieces you bring them.

I don't have experience with chain stores like PetSmart or WalMart. I have done business with 2 local single owner shops of good reputation.

I do not make a big effort to breed regular bronze. They will give me volunteers without any help from me. I have about 3 or 4 now scooting around tank bottoms. I don't go out of my way to harvest the regular peppers very often either, just for my own community tank stock which is the tank they are in.

The only lps eggs I am harvesting at present are the sterbai. All the rest of my stock that I encourage and work to breed are from breeders or wild caught.
Off topic update on the pear tree:

Oops! that is off topic update on the electical system: after some adjustments this weekend, my circuit to the fish room blew when I turned on the lights Monday morning! LOL I now have an electical organization project for the weekend. haha

That's what I get! :blush:
Just remember to stand in a puddle of water when you're messing with electricity.

Or was that DON'T stand in a puddle of water?

Oh well, you'll find out which it is.
is there anything you cant breed? job well done! what kind of corys are these? how are those betta fry?
is there anything you cant breed? job well done! what kind of corys are these? how are those betta fry?

Yeah lol, M bloody BN wont breed rofl,

Got another load of eggs, about 50 ish this time, all in a breeding net now with airstone ready to hatch.

Last lot im going to keep cos im running out of room and aint getting no more tanks lol.

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