Cory breeding


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Nov 15, 2004
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I have a 10 gallon qith 3 cories in it. I want to make it into a breeding tank but i have a power Filter and i dont want to get a new one. Is there any way to make this work. I am taking the gravel out and Also all the ornaments and plants. I will Be trying Panda Cories Or Paleatus cories this time. Can this be a successful Breeedign Tank?
The tank size shouldn't be a problem..I breed my corys in this size tanks and to be honest I find the smaller the tank the better breeding success I get. Panda cories can be a little difficult to breed but if your up for a challenge then go for it!
Hi Fishy411 :)

You should get a sponge filter to start out with since these fry are quite small and easily sucked into the filter. A small air pump and the sponge filter itself are very inexpensive to obtain and worth the money spent.

I would not recommend trying pandas until you have some experience raising corys. These little fish are hard to keep alive compared to the larger corys, and the fry are extremely sensitive to the water conditions. I've lost 20 overnight with no sign that anything was going wrong, and with the albino C. aeneus fry in the same tank unharmed.

C. palates are a good choice because they spawn at an early age and after the first one or two batches, will lay lots of eggs. Do try to get more males than females if possible. :D
I already have 2 Green Cories and 1 pygmy albino cory. I will be adding some Paleatus cories this weekend. I may also invest in a spnge filter

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