cory breeding


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2004
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ive had my cories for a while now, im pretty sure that they are fully grown and i think i have a female and two males.
does anyone know why they show no interest in spawning at all!
I have even sepatated them in their own 15 gal for a while and did about thirty percent water changes with rainwater and conditioned them with frozen brine srimp, the female didn't even show the slightest signs of getteing fat. now they are back in the community tank and the 15 is occupied. I was just wondering what i did wrong??????
must be a big mystery
Well, did you do a temp change overnight? You need to drop the tempt at least 3 to 4 degrees then bring it back up.
Hi bluefire :)

C. aeneus corys are prolific breeders who will often spawn spontaneously, with no help. Could it be possible that they are spawning and the eggs being eaten by other fish? It's also possible that they are eating their own eggs.

What is the temperature of your tank? Which of them do you think are male(s) and which female(s)?

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