Cory Breeding...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Bc, Canada
Curently i have a lone albino cory and i want to get it some friends and posibly try to breed it!
but what im wondering is if i got a difrent kind or cory could i breed them together? :unsure:
and if so what type would you recogmend? (want diffrent colors)
and how can you tell genders???

thnx :blush:
Basically you need to get other albinos if you want to breed them. Chances are it is an albino grey... the name escapes me for now. Bronze! If so, it may possibly breed with another bronze if there is no alternative but far more likely to do so with another albino.
Hi sanka101 :)

If you want to raise some fry you would be better off getting more of the same species. Most corys don't breed with others of different species. When they do responsible breeders would destroy the eggs.
Hi sanka101 :)

If you want to raise some fry you would be better off getting more of the same species. Most corys don't breed with others of different species. When they do responsible breeders would destroy the eggs.
I know ive just got it a juvinile that im hoping is of the opposite gender lets see what happens whn it grow up!! :p

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