Cory Babies


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
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Long story - not a question just a statement
Trying to get the wife into 'fish' I bought a breeding net as she only showed interest when cories gave birth and appeared distressed at all the eggs being eaten. I thought grow a couple and put them in the new tank! I work away most of the time so I rely on the wife to do water changes from time to time. Two weeks ago I was away and the wife phoned me to say she had accidently put a full jar of flake in the lounge community tank but by the time she should get a net most of it had sank, bless her she changed two buckets of water before ringing - I told her to do another two buckets (it was 10pm at night) and two more in the morning (she has never done a gravel vac). The food & cold (panic) water resulted in many many eggs to which I said pop a few in the breeding net - I now have approx 60 albinos and 30 peppered fry which show no sign of dying - she has been feeding liquifry 4 times daily and grinding pellets more recently as she has been studying the internet on rearing - bless her at some time these little beasts are going in the tank (as food) or she allows another new tank which given the size required will not happen !
Its possible they may all survive...

Please dont use them has food,has a cory lover i can't abide the thought of using them to feed to other fish!

If you can't rear them to adult size happily then why bother to save the eggs in the first place!! :angry:
This may be a bit late to make suggestions, but in such a case, I'd put an ad in my local fish forum offering free cory fry...
Get a large plastic storage box (or two or three!) as they're much cheaper than a tank and great for batches of unexpected fry!

Even if you have to buy a few sponge filters and extra heaters, if you sell the fry for a quid each, you'll still be well off, I reckon.

Cories are very popular fish so you shouldn't find them hard to get rid of :good:
Long story - not a question just a statement
Trying to get the wife into 'fish' I bought a breeding net as she only showed interest when cories gave birth and appeared distressed at all the eggs being eaten. I thought grow a couple and put them in the new tank! I work away most of the time so I rely on the wife to do water changes from time to time. Two weeks ago I was away and the wife phoned me to say she had accidently put a full jar of flake in the lounge community tank but by the time she should get a net most of it had sank, bless her she changed two buckets of water before ringing - I told her to do another two buckets (it was 10pm at night) and two more in the morning (she has never done a gravel vac). The food & cold (panic) water resulted in many many eggs to which I said pop a few in the breeding net - I now have approx 60 albinos and 30 peppered fry which show no sign of dying - she has been feeding liquifry 4 times daily and grinding pellets more recently as she has been studying the internet on rearing - bless her at some time these little beasts are going in the tank (as food) or she allows another new tank which given the size required will not happen !

I call 'trollolololololol' - he seems clued up enough on cory breeding to know about the food influx and water temp drop, why wouldn't he be aware of how much they are worth.
Firstly they have spawned again but no eggs saved!
The wifey counted them when transferring to the new breeding net today (she ordered new one as the other needed a clean) 65 albino and only 4 peppered (they are a lot smaller than the albino and have not faired as well). I have a spare heater and a plastic storage box (thanks for the tip). What I need now is a means of pumping water from the tank to the box with a return - how can this be done? I guess sumps have similar system, please if possible just recommend something that I can buy and ''plug in'' I do not want a new filter as there will be cycling considerations etc. I need to grow these to a decent size before my LFS will take them off my hands.

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