Cory Babies, Lost Two Out Of 7 So Far....


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hampshire, Uk
Hi everyone.

I've currently got around 7 baby corys that are around 2-3 weeks old. I've got them in a fabric breeding net that they were born in and in the last two days I’ve lost two of them.

There is two different batches, what was 5 around 8mm and 2-3 around the 3-4mm mark, so very young. I've lost two of the 8mm babies.

I've got an airstone bubbling away tucked on the side and I’ve been feeding them crushed up flake whish they seem to be eating no problems.

I've now removed the last 3 larger babies into a separate hatchery and will be feeding the flake too, this doesn't have an airstone in.

Any idea why i may have lost them? They seemed to have food in their stomachs as they are albinos so the red food can be seen inside them!!!

Thanks in advanced

The only things I can think of is other fish in your tank looking for food and sucking through the net? Or maybe they got stuck inbetween the net and the plastic frame?

You are gowing to loose 1 or 2 youngsters, I know I have and they where in a 25ltr tank of there own.
One thing I did notice with mine was after I turned down the temp a couple of degrees. there where almost zero deaths. I think i've had one death since then, but that I have put down to having to move the tank to another room and the stress of netting them.

If you could get them a smaller tank of there own to go in, it may help.
Thanks for the advice.

I've got a 25ltr in the bedroom that i planned to grown them out in when they get a little bigger. It's got 1 4' BN in and 13 8-9mm baby BN's plus 14 neons and a colony of cherrie shrimp. My concern is that the neons might eat them whilst their so small.

I'll drop the temp down a wee bit and hope my BN's don't mind!
Just a thought, maybe you could divide the 25ltr tank. Give the young fry say a 1/4 of the tank.

Funny how things that are so simple pop into my head, when i'm thinking of how to solve a problem. I'll be doing this myself now. So my bigger babies can go in the 60ltr tank.

Hey solved your problem and mine in one go :good:
Brilliant idea mate!!

I lost another one last night :( this one was in a plastic hatchery with 3 8millers in so i've moved them to the 25ltr to give them the best chance of survival.

I hope my next batch is better!
I have yet to breed cories successfully but my readings lead me to believe that people often lose quite a few between 3 weeks and a month of age. I don't think I have seen any suggestions about why it happens but it seems to be quite common.
I have yet to breed cories successfully but my readings lead me to believe that people often lose quite a few between 3 weeks and a month of age. I don't think I have seen any suggestions about why it happens but it seems to be quite common.

Totally, 100% what I’m seeing mate.

I'm wondering if the environment, ie living in a hatchery. As I said above now I’ve moved them they appear to be much better, swimming all over the place.

I'll update in a few weeks if they survive!!

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