Cory Advice


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2012
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Well in my 29 gallon tank i have 2 julii cory cats, i havent seen one for two days now and im thinking hes dead :( . I wanna have 3-4 of them and a borneo sucker/hillstream loach. So im thinking 2 julii cory cats and 2 other but not juliis. Whats a cool species of cories that look good? Ive been looking at pygmy cories since theyre smaller and im thinking im going to get 3 of them instead of another julii. What do you guys think? And is the borneo sucker more of a pleco or cory? Should i wait til i have alot of algae or would it be fine eating cory food?
Well in my 29 gallon tank i have 2 julii cory cats, i havent seen one for two days now and im thinking hes dead
. I wanna have 3-4 of them and a borneo sucker/hillstream loach. So im thinking 2 julii cory cats and 2 other but not juliis. Whats a cool species of cories that look good? Ive been looking at pygmy cories since theyre smaller and im thinking im going to get 3 of them instead of another julii. What do you guys think? And is the borneo sucker more of a pleco or cory? Should i wait til i have alot of algae or would it be fine eating cory food?

Remove stuff that he could hide under and look for him, It's not healthy to have a dead fish in the tank whatsoever. Is your take cycled I tank it?
Whats a cool species of cories that look good?

there are over 140 different kinds of corys,

buying fish because they are "cool" and "look good" is the wrong approach in this hobby,

i suggest you do alot of research before you purchase anything,

you should only be buying fish that you know how to take care of, and you can properly do so for their entire lifespan!
Well in my 29 gallon tank i have 2 julii cory cats, i havent seen one for two days now and im thinking hes dead
. I wanna have 3-4 of them and a borneo sucker/hillstream loach. So im thinking 2 julii cory cats and 2 other but not juliis. Whats a cool species of cories that look good? Ive been looking at pygmy cories since theyre smaller and im thinking im going to get 3 of them instead of another julii. What do you guys think? And is the borneo sucker more of a pleco or cory? Should i wait til i have alot of algae or would it be fine eating cory food?

Remove stuff that he could hide under and look for him, It's not healthy to have a dead fish in the tank whatsoever. Is your take cycled I tank it?
The only problem is i have two large decorations that would dislodge my plants and would be a big hassel and id have fish freaking out. My tanks cycled and its been running for 2ish months. The pet store i got my cories from dont have the healthiest fish and theyre more commercial meaning they would rather sell alot of unhealthy fish than sell a decent amount of healthy fish.
Well in my 29 gallon tank i have 2 julii cory cats, i havent seen one for two days now and im thinking hes dead
. I wanna have 3-4 of them and a borneo sucker/hillstream loach. So im thinking 2 julii cory cats and 2 other but not juliis. Whats a cool species of cories that look good? Ive been looking at pygmy cories since theyre smaller and im thinking im going to get 3 of them instead of another julii. What do you guys think? And is the borneo sucker more of a pleco or cory? Should i wait til i have alot of algae or would it be fine eating cory food?

Remove stuff that he could hide under and look for him, It's not healthy to have a dead fish in the tank whatsoever. Is your take cycled I tank it?
The only problem is i have two large decorations that would dislodge my plants and would be a big hassel and id have fish freaking out. My tanks cycled and its been running for 2ish months. The pet store i got my cories from dont have the healthiest fish and theyre more commercial meaning they would rather sell alot of unhealthy fish than sell a decent amount of healthy fish.

Well I'd dislodge plants to find a dead cory, it will cause a huge ammonia spike and most likey kill off your other cory very quickly.
Whats a cool species of cories that look good?

there are over 140 different kinds of corys,

buying fish because they are "cool" and "look good" is the wrong approach in this hobby,

i suggest you do alot of research before you purchase anything,

you should only be buying fish that you know how to take care of, and you can properly do so for their entire lifespan!
I know about cories and their habitats, feeding, behavior and such its just that the pet stores near me have the more main types of cories. Emerald, panda, and peppered. I want a kind of cory where id need to specially order one rather than go to my lfs and choose one out of the tank.
Found him and noticed my other cory dead as well. :( im going back to the pet store and getting my eight dollars.
So far this petstore ive bought my fish from this week gave me a bristlenose pleco with a serious case of ich. Two cories and one of them looked like it didnt make the ride home. A one eyed cardinal tetra, and another tetra that looked to be paralysed near the tail. I think from now on im not buying fish from that store.
So far this petstore ive bought my fish from this week gave me a bristlenose pleco with a serious case of ich. Two cories and one of them looked like it didnt make the ride home. A one eyed cardinal tetra, and another tetra that looked to be paralysed near the tail. I think from now on im not buying fish from that store.

half the fault is your own,

you need to be more observant when buying fish, look at them more carefully before purchasing
So far this petstore ive bought my fish from this week gave me a bristlenose pleco with a serious case of ich. Two cories and one of them looked like it didnt make the ride home. A one eyed cardinal tetra, and another tetra that looked to be paralysed near the tail. I think from now on im not buying fish from that store.

half the fault is your own,

you need to be more observant when buying fish, look at them more carefully before purchasing
Trust me i do. Theres like 50 tetra in a little 5 gallon tank at the store so i say 5 of the nicest and largest looking tetra and sometimes ill pick them out. I dont know much about bristlenose pleco so i didnt know if those spots were fine or not because it is an albino pleco so its hard to tell especially when its flying form wall to wall in the fish tank. And how am i supposed to know if a tetra is paralysed or not? Its swimming upright in the tank so it looked fine to me?
i know its hard to get fish that look good i got a torpedo barb from the pet store that was faded luckily nothing wrong and he is getting colour back but i will suggest look for another pet store a better one if it is this bad, i know pet stores here can be bad in the UK so i just find another one until i like one and i have about 3 i trust and like look around search around.

As techen says yes if you think you lost a fish do your best to find him, as if left it will leave to an ammonia spike i have just lost two tiger barbs no where to be seen absolutely now where :S and i don't have many hiding places, but fish will get to hiding places when dead.

To the main questions that people don't seem to answer, pleco's do eat algae but they wont clear your tank from it, so no don't w8 for an algae tank then reply on the pleco, feed it pleco food not cat food, cat food dose not contain algae so you need to feed it pleco food which should contain algae in it don't worry it wont effect you tank
and for Cory's Sterbia cory's are a nice looking fish expensive over here in the UK, also gold/orange or Green laser cory's are the best in my eyes i have 7 of them check my journal out for the pics link in my signature, but again as the people above say please do your research on what type of cory you want, there are hundreds and they all have different needs like different water temp's green and gold laser cory's can cope in a lower temp to sterbia cory's and so on different PH levels and different water hardness levels all can help with whats wrong with that fish and can prevent future deaths, good luck and i hope this of help again check my journal out may help you and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask :D

The Cory/pleco you ask about i don't think it is either but it is a catfish, similar to a glass catfish according to my source needs food with vegetable matter so flake or cory pellets should be great

if i am wrong with any of this someone will correct me :) i am no expert at the end of the day just hope i can provide good advice :D enjoy and hope you don't have any more deaths pic of the tank would be nice as well :D
Thanks I like your tank in your signature btw! And the borneo sucker is considered a loach i think cause its other name is the hillstream loach. I think im going to go with a dwarf cory or pygmy cory since theyre smaller and i can have more of them which would be a win for the fish and a win for me! Im going to only buy fish from the pet supply store that you can specialty order fish since its alot healthier and more helpful.
i think that is a good shout :) and thank you
I agree with finding another source. I feel your pain, I've dealt with a couple crud LFS's around here too, and I was so frustrated I almost gave up... almost :) I would go with pygmy cories too as your tank isn't too big, and you could get higher numbers (cories like big groups of the same species). GL!!!
i know its hard to get fish that look good i got a torpedo barb from the pet store that was faded luckily nothing wrong and he is getting colour back but i will suggest look for another pet store a better one if it is this bad, i know pet stores here can be bad in the UK so i just find another one until i like one and i have about 3 i trust and like look around search around.

As techen says yes if you think you lost a fish do your best to find him, as if left it will leave to an ammonia spike i have just lost two tiger barbs no where to be seen absolutely now where
and i don't have many hiding places, but fish will get to hiding places when dead.

To the main questions that people don't seem to answer, pleco's do eat algae but they wont clear your tank from it, so no don't w8 for an algae tank then reply on the pleco, feed it pleco food not cat food, cat food dose not contain algae so you need to feed it pleco food which should contain algae in it don't worry it wont effect you tank
and for Cory's Sterbia cory's are a nice looking fish expensive over here in the UK, also gold/orange or Green laser cory's are the best in my eyes i have 7 of them check my journal out for the pics link in my signature, but again as the people above say please do your research on what type of cory you want, there are hundreds and they all have different needs like different water temp's green and gold laser cory's can cope in a lower temp to sterbia cory's and so on different PH levels and different water hardness levels all can help with whats wrong with that fish and can prevent future deaths, good luck and i hope this of help again check my journal out may help you and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask

The Cory/pleco you ask about i don't think it is either but it is a catfish, similar to a glass catfish according to my source needs food with vegetable matter so flake or cory pellets should be great

if i am wrong with any of this someone will correct me
i am no expert at the end of the day just hope i can provide good advice
enjoy and hope you don't have any more deaths pic of the tank would be nice as well

My BN pleco has cleared my tank of algae. Now before I got him, I didn't have much, but I did have a good bit. Enough to keep a healthy population of pest snails occupied. But, when the BN came into the tank, the algae disappeared first, then the snails disappeared. I didn't get the BN to clear the algae, but because I've always wanted one. But, I'd never add a BN to a tank that didn't have a bit of an algae issue. Of course, I feed it algae wafers regularly (daily) but sometimes he's too slow coming out for it and the other fish eat a large part of it, if not all of it. But he does have access to the algae as well, and whatever scruds that my cories don't finish of their shrimp pellets. (They do require a little more than just vegetable matter.) I've also offered him some frozen peas as well.

As far as cories go, I'd recommend keeping at least 6 of the same specie, not just 3 or 4 or even 6 of various species.

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