Cory advice please

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Hi sandyd i checked my nitrates and it was 5mg, so it's not that, his fins are slightly pink like a rosey colour. very werid coz my other bronze cories dont have this. Could he be a dyed fish?
Help Billy my bronze cory has seriously gone down hill in the last few days he's listless, not eating, and when he moves he darts accross the tank as if something has bite his tail!!!!!

I have checked all water chemistry and it's zero ammonia and nitrite, have noticed that he has 3 looking white spots about sugar grain size!!!!!! (ICH) but all his tail is rotting away too. His skin looks like it is peeling away.

I have added anti-whitespot treatment, bump the temp to 80F and added extra airation.

What else should i do apart from pray?
Oh, bigfish, I'm so sorry to learn about Billy. :(

I looked for information on the net using this new information as well as the streaks on Billy's fins, and I just don't have good news for you. Check the link below and see it it sounds like your problem.

Scroll down to Red Pest and Fin Rot. :eek:

I truly hope this is not the problem. If it is, take immediate steps to protect your other fish. I hope Billy pulls through. Please let me know how he is doing.
Aww bigfish, I'm so sorry to learn about Billy. It hurts when you lose a fish that has become a special pet. I know how you must feel.

But, please, follow the link I sent to you. Here is another I found on Red Pest. too.

If you think this was Billy's problem, you must disinfect your tank to protect the other fish. It's important because this disease is contageous.

Please let me know what you think about this diagnosis and what you will be doing.

P.S. You have really had more than your share of problems with this tank!!!! :sick:
The only red bits were his two top fins, his breathing was accelrated and i saw him flicking off the flowerpots a few times, he sulked most of the time in the flowerpot so i could really see him. but he had a white dot (ich or fungus) on his pecctorial fin, one above his eye and one near his gills, tail fin had gone almost and very thin looking. (yet he was fine in the shop with the 3 big plecs) don't understand

It was only when i moved him into Quantine tank as the tank mates were picking on him, i realised how sick he was and i gutted about his death.

All other cories are fine and in perfect health. Does it just affect cories only or any other freshwater fish?
Hi bigfish, :)

I don't really know anything about this disease. (red pest) It was only when you added the other symptoms that I did a search and found it. The thing you need to do now is try to determine if it was ick or something else. :unsure:

As for ich, corys tend to be more resistant to it that many of the other fish. In fact, now that I think of it, I can't think of any time I had a cory catch it, even though they were in the tank with others who did.

If you think you have ich, treat the entire tank for it. It is a parasite that will remain in the tank even after the infected fish die or are cured. Raise the temperature to 80 to 82 degrees. Add aquarium salt at the rate of one rounded tablespoon per 5 gallons of water and use a medication from the pet store. If your corys seem ok, take them out of the tank before you add salt. If not, leave them in. Treat the tank for ick longer then you think is necessary to get rid of it all.

One of my tanks has ick and I am now treating it this way. It has been months since I added new fish and over a year since I last had ick in any of my tanks, but it must have still been in there to come back. I've lost six fish so far including all my platties and one glass catfish. :(

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