Cory Additions

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
So finally I have everyone in their new homes and am wondering if I can add a few more cories to the three I currently have now in my 44g. The stocking is in my siggy and it runs on an external along with an internal heater filter. I have to apologise as I cannot remember the name of the corie breed right now. :*) Here's a reasonable pic of two of them.

They tend to almost glitter green on their bodies. I think they would benefit from more members being added to their group. You think I have sufficient room?
Nice looking cories :thumbs: They look like Corydoras sodalis to me.

All cories benefit from being in groups, especially of 6 or more. I dont know much about the synos in the tank or the bettas, but I think you have room for more cories. You might want to keep an eye on the bigger catfish that you put in with the cories.
The cories were living with the doras and Angelicus previously, along with the betta ladies. They got on well together. The Petricolas are alot smaller than Angelicus is (Although he now lives in the 55g) and JD, my Decorus is very shy and very placid. The only one who is a little grumpy is Peach, my LDA31. But even he is more interested in just being left alone. :rolleyes: I will get some more cories to join them three. They are rather scatty currently. I really think the tank is too big for just the three.

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