Cory Activity


Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Torquay, Devon, England
Hi all, my 3 little peppered(I think) corys are in their new 6 gal tank, which is setup lovely, I thought they would be racing up and down seeing as they came from a tall not long tank, but they dont seem very active, everything else is fine, they look healthy, they just dont do alot? I had albino cory last year who never stopped moving, so is it normal for peppers?

thanks all
Sometimes fish will be a little stressed after being moved. I don't find peppers to be the most playful of Cories. They are busy beavers looking for food and spawning, though. Sometimes an air stone will encourage play, but I would give them some time to get used to the new digs and be comfortable.

Do you have a picture of them?
Try using photobucket to resize and upload. Or post a link to photobucket or some web page.
I have some peppered cory, got a couple yesterday actually!and i too was dumbfounded by why there not that active, but it seems thats perfectly normal for them. The one I had previously before getting more is really healthy, and has grown loads!they jus keep themselves to themselves, and dont really get scared by much (not even with my ugly mug coming and lookin at em!),so I wouldnt be too concerned by this. On the other hand, I got 2 Sterbai corys yesterday, and ones behaving like my peppered ones, just sniffling around, but the other one keeps flying up and down the tank!I thought it woulda settled in by this normal for em?When its food time it settles, but otherwise it spent the whole of today going up and down in the same place, until it landed somewhere else!
Yes, I was going to compare the sterbai to the peppers. My sterbai are dashing all over the tank constantly. lots of activity

But I have a good sized shoal, and I'm not sure if a small group is as active. My pandas and duplicaris are also very playful and love the bubble screen.

I have seen the peppers play, but not often. They spend their time raking the substrate and spawning. Even their spawns are not as playful. On the other hand they are a very hardy and as you say, unconcerned species.

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