Corn Snakes

I had one. An albino cornsnake named sweetheart :wub:

It was let out of it's cage when one of my siblings didn't shut the lid tight while I away furthering my education. I was quite distraught about losing it.

Why are they giving it away? Cornsnakes are excellent starter snakes and don't get very big. Check into why it's being given away and see if you could go over and watch him handle it(basically to see if it'll snap at him or if it's good natured). I only had mine snap at me once and it was my fault. I took the lid off and reached to fast when I was picking it up.

I've also had a ball python :)
they are very peaceful; a great beginner snake!

my mate has a few, one of them escaped a few times though :lol:
Corns are easy to look after so long as they are handled regularly and well fed, hope you arent squeamish bout feeding it mice!
Corns are easy to look after so long as they are handled regularly and well fed, hope you arent squeamish bout feeding it mice!

You don't need to feed it very much either, which is nice. So are you getting it?

You'll hear the big debate over feeding dead vs live and I've done both. I say it doesn't matter. Snakes will do do what their meant to do; kill, suffocate and eat their prey. You'll hear stories about a snake mis-striking and end up getting beat up by a mouse. I've never ever talked to anyone who knows of it happening to their snake or even someone they know's pet snake. People will say it's cruel to feed a live mouse. I say there are a LOT MORE cruel things in this world than doing what nature's intent is. Do whatever your snake will eat and what you feel comfortable with :good:

You could equate it to feeding live feeder fish to carnivorous fish too. They can get ripped to shreds while their still alive though.
Corns are easy to look after so long as they are handled regularly and well fed, hope you arent squeamish bout feeding it mice!

You don't need to feed it very much either, which is nice. So are you getting it?

You'll hear the big debate over feeding dead vs live and I've done both. I say it doesn't matter. Snakes will do do what their meant to do; kill, suffocate and eat their prey. You'll hear stories about a snake mis-striking and end up getting beat up by a mouse. I've never ever talked to anyone who knows of it happening to their snake or even someone they know's pet snake. People will say it's cruel to feed a live mouse. I say there are a LOT MORE cruel things in this world than doing what nature's intent is. Do whatever your snake will eat and what you feel comfortable with :good:

You could equate it to feeding live feeder fish to carnivorous fish too. They can get ripped to shreds while their still alive though.

ive got it

what a quality pet ive been feeding frozen mice its illigal in the uk to feed live mice i got a load of friends round to watch its first feed ive handled it a few times now but im still getting used to it (i was scared stiff of snakes before i got it)

heres a picture
Cool, lol corn bites feel like nothing anyway. :lol: I used to have 3, but sold them some time ago.
just make sure not to handle it for awhile after it eats. Don't remember for how long. it can upset it and cause it to regurgitate it's food :crazy:

where are the pictures :shifty:
just make sure not to handle it for awhile after it eats. Don't remember for how long. it can upset it and cause it to regurgitate it's food :crazy:

where are the pictures :shifty:
Depends on size of prey item.Large prey and small snake-2 days or until bump goes.But in general 24hrs is the rule.
I had never kept a corn snake before, in general I had never kept a snake as a pet before, but one of my friends has a pair corn snake for about three years now, he also said that he is thinking about breeding them. those corn snakes are harmless in fact they have no poison, and their bite does not hurt much :shifty: in the wild corn snakes catch their prey by constricting (squeezing the life out of it's prey), corn snakes preys in the wild are small birds,bats, small mammals like mice and such and usually frogs too, but in captivity they are fed pinkies (baby mice) and adult mice as the snake grow's bigger.
what a quality pet ive been feeding frozen mice its illigal in the uk to feed live mice i got a load of friends round to watch its first feed ive handled it a few times now but im still getting used to it (i was scared stiff of snakes before i got it)

It is not illegal in the UK to live feed mice/rats to reptiles. It is illegal to sell any mammal for the purpose of live feeding though, so if you breed your own mice etc you can legally feed them to your reptile as long as its not in public.

There are many many pictures detailing the damage done to snakes by live mice or rats on reptile forums all over the net, so it can happen. However, with corns like many other snakes, there is no need to feed live. I have had 7 corn snakes amongst other things and have only live fed once, and that was a baby that hadn't eaten for 4 months and was losing weight. All other avenues were tried beforehand.

Someone has already mentioned about not handling after feeding:) The lump normally goes down after 3 days and then its safe to handle again. As corns are growing up most need to be fed every 7 days give or take a day, with a mouse that is one and a half times the width of the snake.

Corns are simplest and most laid back snake you could start with, and are a great confidence booster:)

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