Corn Snakes


WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
Aug 9, 2004
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Hello folks,

I was wondering about corn snakes, I would like to get one, not straight away but in the near future. And I was wondering if anyone had good advice about keeping them.

I have researched them to find out what they need in terms of surroundings, tank sizes food etc.

But what I dont have is experience from owners... (ease of looking after them, general do's and dont's, cleaning of tanks how often how much, best substrate to use in terms of ease eg, astro turf, wood chippings, paper, best way to heat the tanks eg bulbs or heat pads, any special lighting if any, temprement of the snake etc...)

All the info I want is more the kind of info an experienced keeper can give me rather than a google search.

anyways cheers in advance

chish :good:
hi, have you got any corns yet or are you still looking for info? i've kept corns before, and still keep many different snakes
lucy x
probably best put in the household pets section.

I keep my corns in a 4ft by 2 by 2, they have woodchips as substrate, water bowl, "rock" hide, large stone to help with their shedding, a box with vermiculite and sphagnum moss which is kept damp they also have a bird box put at the top of the tank which they do tend to spend most of their time in sitting on top of each other (people forget these snakes are partly aborial and love to be up in trees etc I've found my snakes love the bird box). I've had my snakes for several years and never had a problem with them in any form, corns are great snakes (though one of them hates CFC - I guess thats understandable :lol: :p )

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