Corn Snake Help Please?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2006
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HI all,

I have a corn snake, approx 9 months old.

He feeds really well, twice a week on fuzzies, he's active and responsive, bright eyed etc.

He is shedding quite regularly, i'd say once every couple of weeks at the moment, and when I see him about to shed I mist his viv and under his bamboo, but he doesn't seem to shed very 'cleanly', it doesn't come off in one long skin, but in flakes and is almost just becoming one cycle of shedding from beginning of one shed to the next.

Is this normal? I've read up quite a bit but all i've really found out is to make sure the eyelids shed (they do everytime)
When you seem his eyes starting to cloud over put a damp hide in his viv on top of the heat mat,this will help with his shedding.It should come off in one piece.
I use something simple like a icecream Carton with a hole in the lid big enough for my snakes to get through i then put about 2" of Damp Vermiculite in the tub and place the tub on top of the heat mat
I agree a damp hide is really neccessary(use instead of the misting), personally my corns have two damp hides, one in hotter area, one in cooler area and my corns nearly always "soak" themselves in the cooler area. I also use damp vermulite, but I also put sphagnum moss in there, they seem to like it. remember also to put some sort of rock in the enclosure so that the snake can rub itself on it (make sure it's a good size so it doesn't move about when they scrape against it, and also no overly sharp sides, but it should be quite rough so that it can can help with the shedding process.
Personally i don't like damp boxes and prefer a misting ever night and morning. I also provide a large water bowl should they wish to soak. Also after a shed if it doesn't come off this should be dealt with emmediatly. The best method is a wet pillow case letting the snake move through it so a to remove the left over skin. Do this after its next shed and keep the humidity up next shed and the problems should go away.

Putting the water on the warm side increases the humidity and works well over a short period. A for a damp box you can try it if you like as a lot of people swear by them.
If he's shedding so often, and so poorly, he's either dehydrated or has some other health problem like mites or parasites.

What are his hot and cool side temperatures at? What kind of thermometer do you use to measure these values? What kind of heating apparatus are you using (heat pad, lamp?)

Generally speaking, a corn shouldn't need a humid hide. However, if he's dehydrated, he'll need something of the sort to get him back on the right track. You could also give him a bath: fill the tub with only an inch of tepid (~80F) water, and let your snake take a swim for 10 minutes or so.

If you're feeding thawed frozen prey, try thawing the food item directly in hot water. This way, when the snake eats the mouse, he'll also ingest a good amount of water.

Also, I would think that a 9-month old corn should be on larger prey items than fuzzies; be sure that the prey item is slightly larger than the largest girth of the snake. He also doesnt' need to be fed twice a week, once weekly should suffice.

If these things don't solve the problem, I'd take the snake to a qualified herp vet to have him examined.

Good luck!
For compasrison this is my 9 month old corn. She is on two fuzzies and about to move up to the next stage once week. Pics would really help us discover what was wrong and tell you what needs done. Also feeding twice a week with one fuzzie is a good idea. Feeding twice a week with two fuzzies is coming close to power feeding in my opinion. Presuming the snake is the same size as mine.

Just to add, a corn of that age will normally shed approximately every 6 weeks ;) 2 fuzzies at a time every 7 days is a suitable amount of food and it probably wouldnt be able to manage smalls for another month or two yet :)

P.S: shrimply your girl is looking fantastic! :wub:

Sorry for my delay in replying, and thankyou for all your advice, I have moved his bowl over to the warmer side of his viv, and have been misting his hide daily, which seems to have helped alot.

He doesn't seem ill at all, never has, I was just concerned over him not shedding cleanly, but in bits.

I've looked at the scrap of paper I got with him with his early feeding on from the reptile shop, and his first feed recorded was on the 22nd October, which would put him more at 7 months.

I've never seen him bathing or going near his water at all, I have eased him thru it a few times but he rushes out straight away.

To clarify, at the moment he is on 1 fuzzie every 3-4 days.

I have taken some photo's sorry i'm no david bailey! And he's too nosey to stay still :rolleyes:





I have been keeping Corn snakes for around 15 yrs now and used to breed them.I feed my Hatchlings on 1 pinky every 5 days then as they grow i move them up to 2 pinkys every 5 days once they have had 3 feeds on 2 pinkys i move them up to 1 fuzzie every 5 days then again as they grow i offer them 2 fuzzies once they are on 2 fuzzies i then feed them once a week and after a few feeds on 2 fuzzies i offer them a small mouse.
I have always used a Damp hide when the eyes milk over and never once in 15 yrs have i had a shedding problem and i never mist the vivs.I also dont like putting the waterdish on top of the heat mat just incase it spills (water and electricity dont Mix well)

Nice snake by the way
Thanks graham,

The water dish isn't 'on top' of the heat mat, as the heat mat is on the outside of his viv, the water bowl on the inside (he's still inside one of those smallish plastic vivs you get as a beginner- with the coloured lids)

Do you think I should try giving him 2 fuzzies every 7 days instead then?

I'll have a read up about making a damp hide as well

Also, at what size should I be thinking of moving him into a larger viv, I am thinking 36 x 12 x 12?
Thanks graham,

The water dish isn't 'on top' of the heat mat, as the heat mat is on the outside of his viv, the water bowl on the inside (he's still inside one of those smallish plastic vivs you get as a beginner- with the coloured lids)

Do you think I should try giving him 2 fuzzies every 7 days instead then?

I'll have a read up about making a damp hide as well

Also, at what size should I be thinking of moving him into a larger viv, I am thinking 36 x 12 x 12?

What length is he now?I have had my young in 3ft vivs by the time they get to about 18" long but you may need to have plenty of hides and stuff so he can settle in easier.When he eats his first Fuzzie is there a noticable bulge where the food item is in his stomach and does he swallow it really quick?If the bulge isnt that noticable or he is swallowing it fast i would try him on 2 fuzzies if he takes them leave him for a week
I'll try that tomorrow then, there isn't a massively noticable bulge when he eats, and yes he's fast getting them down, as well as very alert to feeding times.

Your snake looks good, not obviously dehydrated or skinny at all!

Definately try the moist hide during shedding, and I'd cut back to feeding once a week. He won't starve!
I fed him two fuzzies yesterday (sunday) and he had no problem getting them down, not seen himm since so it must have done the trick, he used to be out looking for more straight away more or less.

I'll feed him again this sunday.

Thanks for all the replies, feel free to add any more gems :)

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