I had my water tested a few weeks back , all seemed ok. Ive got clown loaches which are happy and healthy and a near two year old Angel all in the same tank. Maybe i'll try a different shop and see what happens , thanks.
Are you relying on your lfs to test your water? I`d suggest you try and get the API master test kit so that you can check the water quality yourself regularly. Between a day or 2 of having your water tested, how do you know that you`re not having an ammonia spike or similar? It`s always better for you to be able to check it yourself
I used to have problems keeping Corys, turns out I had non-aquatic plants in my tank which meant the water quality was terrible, needless to say that was a huge reason why my Cories never lasted very long. I`ve always had more trouble with keeping pandas, quite a few people have told me they`re quite sensitive but now my Albino`s are healthy and continuously whizzing around the tank.