Cories with larger fish


Moved On
Nov 15, 2004
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Will Cories be okay with larger fish that are not vrey aggressive. I will have 2 farlowellas 4 angelfish and 3 clown loaches ( for awhile).
As i understand it these are all peaceful fish except when the angels are breeding but i dont plan to breed them. Can i have a group of green cories and a group of paleatus cories?
You may not be planning on breeding the angelfish but they will have different ideas, with angels its usually a case of "when" will they breed rather than "if" they will breed.

Corys will be fine with your current fish providing there is enough room to stock them in your tank.
I keep corys in all my tanks, even the ones with breeding pairs of angels. Seems to me if it doesn't look like an angel, they really don't care when they are spawning.

i should have 10 fish plus the cories is 16. I forgot to list that i am getting a flying fox. These fish will br going in a 55. I should have enough room right?

This is the first time i have even thought about getting cories since my pandas died. I kinda want to breed them if possible. Any chance they might have eggs? Im thinking if they do i'll get a net breeder and put the eggs in.
Hi Fishy411 :)

Corys often get along with much bigger fish since they are not viewed by them as competition. I have, however, heard that clown loaches will pick at them and possibly cause harm.

If you are planning on breeding corys, you should plan on setting up a breeding tank for them. A breeding net is fine for livebearer fry, but is not adequate for the more delicate cory fry.
I have a 1 gallon tank with an air pump in it. I could get a small heater. I meant hatching the eggs in the net so they wouldnt be eaten. I always thought that clown loaches were very docile. I'll add a little at a time and have some caves and i'll see how it goes.

What about a glass or acrylic breeding compartment?

I thought this one looked good.

Do they need a breeding tank to lay eggs or just to raise the fry in.

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