Cories Resting


Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
I was able to catch some of my cories resting after playing all morning after a water change. They did stay that way for long and are out and about playing again :fun:





Any comments? :good:
You have a lot of nice cories! I looked at your profile and it says you have 48 cories!!! (unless i counted wrong)

I only have 6 :(
i love corys, but obviously not as much as you :)
i have 9, 3 peppered and 6 albino :)
So cute~! I could never take a picture of my 7 cories all together... whenever I get close, they scatter. D:
Hi Barracuda518 :)

Your corys are looking good! :thumbs:

Which species will you be getting next week? :unsure:
nice fish.

do you keep anything else in the tanks with them?

Thanks. Right now I have them with some Botia striata, Botia dario, and some Dojo loaches. My plans are to put the C. axelrodi in a species only tank soon. I also want to increase my C. aeneus school and give them a tank too, but that will come later.
nice, are they in wide shallow tanks?
As that seems a lot of bottom feeder, and so much un-used upper levels :D
nice, are they in wide shallow tanks?
As that seems a lot of bottom feeder, and so much un-used upper levels :D

They are in a 29 gallon right now. I plan to get some more mid-level fish once I move the axelrodi out to a species only tank. I had some Harleiquen (sp?) Rasboras, but I traded them a while back to make space in the tank. You be suprised how often the cories use that upper space and the Dojo's really like to sit in the floating plants I have.

I have a 20 gallon long that im going to set up and it looks ideal for cories. Its longer then it is tall, which is perfect for cories.
sounds nice.

I know not all cories are actually completely bottom dewlling, I think it maybe the s. trili' that are middle level, I could be wrong. I'm so tired and annoyed with work today, I'm not thinking straight, lol.

only 1.5hours left then I get get home and get some sleep :S

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