Cories Insisted Update: Baby Eats Adult Food!

:lol: You are too kind. :*)

I had 7or 8. I may have lost one in the water change. :hyper: We'll see.

They are getting quite active, wiggle-swimming all around the little tank.
So, Barracuda, You are getting quite a collection of cories there.

Yeah I cant help it :D Im trying to get all the ones I can find in a LFS around here before I try to buy some online. Im really liking the Corydoras trilineatus. They are my newest addition. They get along quite will with the Corydoras arcuatus. I noticed the Corydoras arcuatus are a lot more active and dont run off like they did before when I had them in the 55 gallon. I think there was too much activity in that tank for them.
With my inept handling and poor time managment only one baby has survived.

But today he ate his first blackworm! :D

I am thinking of putting him in a 10 usg with some very small neons and pork chop rasaboras and baby zebra loaches. I will try to get a pic soon.

I am working 10 hour shifts with overtime. Very little time for the necessities--like sleep.
With my inept handling and poor time managment only one baby has survived.

But today he ate his first blackworm! :D

I am thinking of putting him in a 10 usg with some very small neons and pork chop rasaboras and baby zebra loaches. I will try to get a pic soon.

I am working 10 hour shifts with overtime. Very little time for the necessities--like sleep.

Well its good one survived. I released 2 of my biggest fry the other day into my 55 gallon. They are doing very well so far. They have been eating flake food for a while now :thumbs:
With my inept handling and poor time managment only one baby has survived.

But today he ate his first blackworm! :D

Hi jollysue :)

You did well considering this is your first batch and you didn't start out with very many eggs. :thumbs:

Well its good one survived. I released 2 of my biggest fry the other day into my 55 gallon. They are doing very well so far. They have been eating flake food for a while now

I'm glad to hear yours are doing well too, Barracuda518. I was starting to wonder how they were doing. :D
Yes, congrats Barracuda! I haven't had time to check the threads yet. Do yo have some pics up?

My one baby is doing well in the 10 usg with the juvy ras's, neons, and botias. I was concerned that the queen botia might make a meal of him, but 2nd day or so and he/she is out trolling when the food comes. I add some fry powder as well as whatever meat I offer.

I had trouble with fungus from the leftover food and getting water changes done in my limited time and sleepy condition without losing fry. This one was the most robust and survived. The microworms only just came, and I haven't even cultured them yet. The baby grew almost exclusively on Atison's fry food. That food seemed to do best.

She is still see through but able to wrestle a small blackworm to the ground. :p

I doubt I will be able to get a pic up, let alone take time to take pics and put them up. :/

I will do better next time. I always learn best by my mistakes :*)
I will do better next time.

Oh good, I'm glad to know you haven't given up on raising them. I hope the next time comes soon. Now that you have the microworms it will be much easier to feed them too. :D
Really my major obstacle was the water changes and keeping the spoiled food up before a baby got infected. I lost most of the dears in water changes. Trying to do to much with too little time half asleep and bleary eyed.. It's hard to keep up with ten hour work days and 50 hour weeks.

But the one that made it is doing well i think for 23 days. She's lucky I have a tank with juvies to put her in. I had to keep her little tank on the kitchen counter. Now she's on the bathroom counter. :lol:
I'm glad to hear yours are doing well too, Barracuda518. I was starting to wonder how they were doing. :D

Thanks :thumbs: Yeah they are doing very well. The next batch I raise will be a lot better since I know how to do it now. I noticed the other day, out of the 4 almost mature bronze I have, 3 are males. So I need to get some more females. I bought them when they were very young about 7 months ago and couldnt tell then.

Yes, congrats Barracuda! I haven't had time to check the threads yet. Do yo have some pics up?

Thanks :thumbs: I havent been able to get pictures of them yet. Its going to be really hard now since they are in the 55 gallon and they are super fast! I know how it feels to lose fry, I lost several this first time. It was either a bad clutch of eggs or I messed something up in the water :dunno: The ones left are really healthy and growing fast!

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