oh, i have heard that mollies will breed with guppies easily, as guppy males seem to be horny little #19###s, so nothing stops them from trying, actually im trying to hybridize the two species, and one of my male guppies never leaves the virgin female molly alone (dont worry, the fry will never leave my care) but i have heard that the babies do die easily.
Well, unfortunately, what we hear and what is fact are oftentimes very different things. Try all you like. It's your time to spend as you see fit. I can assure that the odds of you being successful are about the same as being struck by lightning, twice, in the same day.

- Frank
well, strike me twice please, i know it will be a challange, but i get bored when im not doing something challanging, so i hope this will keep me occupied
its a bit weird that so little species interbreed, which is a good thing i guess, but the weird thing is they look very similar except colour, and guppies and mollies look quite different but will crossbreed readily, as long as there arent both sexes of each species. but i guess you said we should have both sexes of each species, i hope i do.
Hi there I just wanted to add something with regards to your post. The species name (full latin species genus etc) is not based on if they look alike its based more on genetics and simularitys at the molecular and microscopic level. Which is why we are 98% like chimps and only 60% like orangutans...you'd have thought the chimps and oran-utangs were closer, but on the molecular level we are closer than they are. anyway, not all simular looking species are family related molecularly...hope that helps
i know that its not about what they look like, but they do look the same, so i was hinting at they might mistake a diferent species for the same species. does that make sense? or do i really suck at explaining what im thinking lol