Cories have bacterial infection again


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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My cories had a bacterial infection about 2 weeks ago. I treated them for 8 days with JBL ektol fluid. Their whiskers were growing back and their fins were all mended so after the second treatment time was up I didn't treat again. Now a week later it seems they have it again :S

I started treatment again today..I'm just wondering how I should go about this treatment? The medication says to treat for 4 days and then change 50% of the water and do a second round if needed. Should I treat for 12 days this time? I'm afraid they might become immune to the medication if I don't treat long enough this time.
Some bacteria infections take longer to treat like us on antibiotics, carry on with the med, you might have to retreat again as well, you stopped the treatment to soon and it returned as it hadn't killed the infection off, if you can issolate the fish you might be beter off using tetracycline,good luck.
Wilder said:
Some bacteria infections take longer to treat like us on antibiotics, carry on with the med, you might have to retreat again as well, you stopped the treatment to soon and it returned as it hadn't killed the infection off, if you can issolate the fish you might be beter off using tetracycline,good luck.

I thought the infection was gone so thats why I stopped :/ It says on the bottle treat for 4 days and if necessary do a repeat dose. I thought because their barbels were growing back it was a sure sign the infection was done.

I ran out of the other medication but I have another one. It's JBL furanol..I believe its actually better for bacterial infections as its for gram negative and gram positive infections whereas the other one was just a type that lowered the amount of harmful bacteria in the tank.

3 out of the 5 have now completly lost their barbels again. There is nothing there and the tips are real red. I feel terrible :-( It's time like these when the thought of giving up crosses your mind.
Sounds like it will do the job, if you have gravel you may want to think of changing it to sand.good luck.


THE prime medication against external and internal bacterial infections
The effective ingredient, Nifurpirinol, works faster and more powerfully than classical antibiotics. JBL Furanol is a high-potency preparation which effectively combats most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria such as Aeromonas, Corynebacterium, Columnaris, Streptococci and many others with the exception of fish tuberculosis.

Is absorbed by affected organs within a few hours and kills bacteria faster than other medications. After only a few minutes, effective therapeutic concentrations can be detected in all organs.

Heals open ulcers, protuding eyes and dropsy in the early stages

JBL Furanol is well-tolerated and is easily taken in through the gills. JBL Furanol is not harmful to aquarium plants.

Does not contain copper! Not to be used with invertebrates nevertheless

Treats 400l

Manufactured by: JBL

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