Corals Questions From A Newbie...

people can't keep cheato in a filter, it gets no light, so it would die.

Cheato photosynthesizes so if it is only getting light during the day, it will take CO2 out of the water and will raise the PH, at night when it stops photosynthesizing, CO2 from air dissolves into the water, and creates carbonic acid which lowers the PH.
:sad: -_-

So is there any phophate remover that can go in a tank with no sump, other filter, or refigume(SP?)....?
not really, as I said earlier, getting a pump and routing the outlet into the phosphate remover would be your only choice, I did this on my tank, it worked quite well.
you can get liquid phophate removers. But you have to be very careful with them.

Sump is always the way forward ;)
Hmmm... Well, :X Im confused! :(

Ill try looking up Liquid Phosphate removers.

@Truck, You said a pump? The powerhead is sorta like a pump..? So What if i hooked up a bag of Rowasphos next to it?

Sorry if all the questions are annoying!
you could buy a TMC bubble stop, which is a little box which clips onto the edge of the tank, place a bag of rowaphos in there, and then use a maxijet 400 to pump water into the box, so the water flows over the phosphate bag and then back into the tank.
Would it work the same way as an overflow box type thing?

If you get a container with holes in it, put the RowaPhos in, and a pump clip it onto the side of the tank?

Is the sponge version the same as the powder?

you could buy a TMC bubble stop, which is a little box which clips onto the edge of the tank, place a bag of rowaphos in there, and then use a maxijet 400 to pump water into the box, so the water flows over the phosphate bag and then back into the tank.
:lol: I just noticed you said that 3 times in total :blush:

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