Coralife Turbo Twist Flow rates? (General UV question)


New Member
Jun 15, 2023
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United States
Hey all,
I've look all over google and can find that they require at least 200 - 400gph, but nothing about the maximum they can handle. Does anyone know this off hand? I am looking to run one in-line and my pump does around 1600 gph, but right off the pump is a '+' section, with 2 going to return lines, one to the UV, and the other to adjust for any pressure relief. All flow is adjustable as there is a ball valve on each section but obviously didn't want to put too much flow into the UV. I've debated moving the UV to be inline with the relief line, but not sure how effective this would be. Just to preface I have not messed with UV much before given I would follow a strict quarantine regimen so kinda a newbie when it comes to where to place it in line, but this will be for some high end rays the wife is wanting so figured might as well add UV to the mix and not take any chances.

1 - Return Pump
2 - Proposed spot for UV
3 - Return Line
4 - Return Line
5 - Pressure Relief (Goes back into sump)

UV is just not that simple. Rather than try to explain it I can send you to the same place where I learned about UV.

UV needs to consider the bulb, both strength and length. Then there is what is called dwell time- how long a given bit of water is exposed to the light as it passes through. These factors combined determine what a UV light will kill or manage.

Read my post on this here and at the end you will see the link to make you an expert on UV so that you do it correctly. I chose to buy my unit from that site but I am not suggesting you do so. Choose a vendor you want if you decide the Coral Life is not the ideal unit.
UV is just not that simple. Rather than try to explain it I can send you to the same place where I learned about UV.

UV needs to consider the bulb, both strength and length. Then there is what is called dwell time- how long a given bit of water is exposed to the light as it passes through. These factors combined determine what a UV light will kill or manage.

Read my post on this here and at the end you will see the link to make you an expert on UV so that you do it correctly. I chose to buy my unit from that site but I am not suggesting you do so. Choose a vendor you want if you decide the Coral Life is not the ideal unit.
Thanks! After overcomplicating the hell out of it, I opted for a unit separated from the main plumbing with its own dedicated pump the manufacturer rated as right in the sweet spot flow wise. Who would of thought it could be so complicated but thanks again. Also originally had mine mounted sideways which was not even aware the mounting could effect things as this was my first foray into UV. Thanks Again!

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